Configuring Subfolders - Directory Import Processor - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Directory Import Processor

Directory Import Processor
Foundation 22.1

Subfolders apply a Document Type to files only within a specified folder in the root directory. You can configure as many subfolders as necessary.

Subfolders should be configured if your process meets one of the following criteria:

  • Not all folders in the directory to be processed should be imported into OnBase. At least one folder should be ignored by the Directory Import Processor.

  • Multiple folders being imported must be imported using different Document Types. Naming conventions within those folders are not standard (preventing the use of Abbreviations to assign Document Types).

If neither of these points meet your specific configuration, you may need to configure a Default Mapping. For more information on configuring Default Mappings, see Configuring Default Mappings.

To configure a Subfolder:

  1. From the Configuration module, select Import | Directory Import Processor. The Directory Import Processor Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. Right-click on a node and select Add Subfolder. A Subfolder is displayed below the selected node.
  3. Type the name of your new Subfolder and press the Enter key. Subfolder names are case sensitive and must exactly match the name of the specified folder in the directory.

    The name of the Subfolder cannot exceed 60 characters in length.

  4. Select the new Subfolder. The Subfolder tab is displayed.
  5. If you want to automatically assign all documents contained within this folder to a specific Document Type, select a Document Type from the Default Document Type drop-down list.

    If a Document Type has already been assigned to a document by a lower-level Default Mapping or Subfolder, this higher-level Default Document Type is ignored.

  6. Click Apply.

    You can rename Subfolders as needed but must exactly match the name of the folder in the specified directory. When a Subfolder is renamed, it retains any existing Document Type configuration.

The configured subfolder that contains files to be imported must be assigned a directory Keyword Mapping or a file name Keyword Mapping, depending on how your directory is configured. See the following sections for information on configuring Keyword Mappings:


For examples of configuring a Subfolder, see the Subfolder Example and the Default Mapping and Subfolder Example.