Purging a Batch - Directory Import Processor - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Directory Import Processor

Directory Import Processor
Foundation 22.1

If the process was not successful, modify the process and run it again. The batch should be purged if it is not valid.

  1. From the Client module, select Processing | Directory Import Processor. The Directory Import Processor window is displayed. The left side of the Directory Import Processor window displays the Directory Import Processor Format, Process Job, and status queues. The right side displays a list of whatever is selected in the left side (individual Directory Import Processor formats, process jobs or batches).
  2. Click the Awaiting Commit queue.
  3. Select the batch.
  4. Right-click and select Purge | Purge Selected. This removes the data files from the Disk Group and all database entries for the documents in the batch. This process will permanently delete the data and database entries.