Configuring a Fixed Keyword Mapping for File Names - Directory Import Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Directory Import Processor

Directory Import Processor
Foundation 24.1

Fixed Keyword Mappings for file names are configured to pull Keyword Values from a file name. When files are imported, OnBase assigns Keyword Values to each file based on the values found in their file name.

For example, City Bank has files containing Keyword Values in their file names. File names typically follow the format of [City][Date].tif. For example, London01-01-2018.tif. If City Bank configures a Fixed Keyword Mapping for the file name, that document is imported with a City value of London and a Date value of 01-01-2018.

To configure a Fixed Keyword Mapping for a file name:

  1. From the Configuration module, select Import | Directory Import Processor. The Directory Import Processor Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. From a configured process, right-click on a Subfolder or Default Mapping node and select Add Fixed Mapping | Filename Source. A Fixed - Filename node is added beneath the Subfolder or Default Mapping node.
  3. Select the Fixed - Filename Keyword Mapping node. The Fixed tab is displayed.
  4. Configure the following options for all required Keyword Type mappings:




    Enter the position (in characters) in the folder name where a Keyword Value begins. The first character in the folder name is in position 0.


    Enter the length (in characters) of the Keyword Value.

    Keyword Type

    Select the Keyword Type in which the Keyword Value should be stored.


    The Date & Time Keyword Type is not supported for use with the Directory Import Processor.

    Use Autofill

    Select Yes from the drop-down list to populate documents with Keyword Values associated with the Primary Keyword Type of the Autofill Keyword Set. The Keyword Type must be a Primary Keyword Type in an Autofill Keyword Set to use this option.

    Select No to not use an AutoFill Keyword Set with the Keyword Type.


    Select Yes from the drop-down list to perform mask validation for this Keyword Value, or select No to not perform mask validation. See the System Administration module reference guide for information on Masked Keyword Types.


    When Yes is selected, imported Keyword Values that do not match the configured mask are not added to the imported document.

  5. For any Keyword Type that is a Currency or Date Keyword Type, click Format to format the value. For more information on the available format options, see Currency Formatting Options or Date Formatting.
  6. To remove unwanted characters from the folder name before applying those characters to Keyword Values, select the mapped Keyword Type from the Keywords list and click Process. The Process Field dialog box is displayed.
  7. Select a processing option:



    Keep All Characters

    Retain all characters of the folder name as Keyword Values on the document. This option is selected by default.

    Strip Spaces

    Remove all spaces from the folder name before applying folder name characters as Keyword Values.


    This option is not supported for use with the following Default Keyword Types: > >Document Type, >>Document Type Number, and >>Dummy Key.

    Strip Character

    Remove a specified character from the folder name before applying folder name characters as Keyword Values. Enter the character in the text field.


    This option is not supported for use with the following Default Keyword Types: > >Document Type, >>Document Type Number, and >>Dummy Key.

    Strip _ Chars from Beginning

    Remove characters from the beginning of the folder name before applying those characters to Keyword Values. Enter the number of characters you want to strip in the text field.


    This option is not supported for use with the following Default Keyword Types: > >Document Type, >>Document Type Number, and >>Dummy Key.

    Strip _ Chars from End

    Remove characters from the end of the folder name before applying those characters to Keyword Values. Enter the number of characters you want to strip in the text field.


    This option is not supported for use with the following Default Keyword Types: > >Document Type, >>Document Type Number, and >>Dummy Key.

  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Apply to save your changes.

    You can only add one Fixed Keyword Mapping for a file name per folder.