Scan queues, a required component of your Disconnected Scanning solution, are configured in the OnBase Configuration module. Adding, modifying, or deleting a scan queue requires that users belong to a User Group configured with the Scanning Configuration Configuration Right.
Information on scan queue creation and configuration can be found in the Document Imaging module reference guide.
Note that some scan queue configuration options apply exclusively to Disconnected Scanning, while others are not specific to Disconnected Scanning and/or do not affect Disconnected Scanning at all.
Like Document Imaging, it is considered a best practice for your Disconnected Scanning solution to use a 1:1:1 ratio for Disconnected Scanning workstations, scan queues and disk groups. By associating each Disconnected Scanning station with its own, unique scan queue and that scan queue with its own, unique disk group, you ensure that a backlog of pending and/or failed uploads will not be created by multiple Disconnected Scanning workstations attempting to upload batches to the same disk group.