Prompting a User to Clear the Cache After a Configuration Update - Disconnected Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Disconnected Scanning

Disconnected Scanning
Foundation 23.1

To be prompted to clear the cache manually after a configuration update:

  1. Select Server | Autofill keyset/dataset maintenance | Options. The Autofill keyset/dataset options dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the Ask to clear local autofill keyset/dataset cache after server configuration update check box.
  3. Click OK.

    Now, when you log onto the Disconnected Scanning client using the Server logon, you will be prompted with a message asking you if the cache should be cleared. Click Yes to clear the cache or click No to continue to Disconnected Scanning without clearing the cache.

    If the cache is cleared, you will need to download a new cache for both the AutoFill Keyword Sets and the Data Sets in order for them to be available to the Disconnected Scanning client.