Common Issues - Disconnected Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Disconnected Scanning

Disconnected Scanning
Foundation 23.1
  1. When I attempt to work with a large AutoFill Keyword Set, or when I attempt to upload a large document, I receive a time out error.
    If the AutoFill Keyword Set you are attempting to work with, or the document you are attempting to upload, is large, you may need to configure your Disconnected Scanning client to allow more time for the data to be received from the server. Click Settings | Local Client Settings and increase the value of the Request timeout (seconds) option.
  2. I have two users working with documents in the same scan queue. Neither user has rights to the Document Type that the other user is working with. Documents indexed by one user appear as “Unindexed” to the other user and when either user attempts to upload all batches, batches from the other user are sent to the “Incomplete Upload” queue.

    Users who are expected to scan documents into OnBase need rights to all Document Types associated with the scan queues to which they have been assigned. If a user was to encounter a batch of fully or partially-indexed documents to which he did not have rights while working in a scan queue, those documents would be stripped of their Keyword Values, becoming unindexed documents.

    If a user was to try to upload this batch into OnBase, it would be sent into the Incomplete Upload batch status queue until it could be re-indexed. This is a data safety feature intended to prevent unindexed documents from unintentionally being imported into OnBase.


    If, for security reasons, users cannot be given rights to all Document Types associated with a scan queue to which they have been assigned, then separate scan queues should be created.

  3. I run Disconnected Scanning as part of an application pool and would like to use Active Directory authentication, but the application pool-assigned account is being used instead of the current user's account.

    If the server-side Disconnected Scanning code is being run as part of an application pool, Active Directory authentication will not operate as expected because the application pool-assigned account is used instead of the current user's account.

    In this case, to use the current user's credentials for Active Directory authentication, you must open the Server Communication Settings dialog box (Settings | Server Communication...) and select the Override User Account for domain authentication check box.


    This option is only enabled if the Disconnected Scanning client is using the -BETA command line switch.

  4. I've recently made changes to my system configuration in the OnBase Configuration module. I logged onto Disconnected Scanning using the Server logon to re-build the configuration file, but my changes still are not reflected in the Disconnected Scanning client.
    Like other modules that depend on the OnBase Web or Application Server, Disconnected Scanning requires additional steps to be taken before changes made in the OnBase Configuration module are reflected in the Disconnected Scanning client. See the Web Server Admin documentation for more information.
  5. I've noticed that my Disconnected Scanning client takes an unusually long time to launch. Is there any way to make it launch faster?
    If your Disconnected Scanning client is taking an unusually long time to launch, you can speed it up by disabling the Authenticode signature verification check that is performed each time the Disconnected Scanning client is launched. For information on disabling the signature verification, see Authenticode Signature Verification.
  6. I cannot get an auto-logon to work correctly when using a server and scanning workstations on multiple domains.

    In order to use an auto-logon across multiple domains, your Application Server's virtual directory must be configured appropriately for your auto-logon method in order for it to work correctly.

    For trusted domains:

    • When using a non-interactive auto-logon method (i.e., the -INTERACTIVE command line switch is not applied to the shortcut to the Disconnected Scanning client), Anonymous Access must not be selected for the Application Server's virtual directory.

    • When using an interactive auto-logon method (i.e., the -INTERACTIVE command line switch is applied to the shortcut to the Disconnected Scanning client) the auto-logon will work correctly if Anonymous Access is selected or if it is not selected for the Application Server's virtual directory.

    For non-trusted domains:

    • When using a non-interactive auto-logon method (i.e., the -INTERACTIVE command line switch is not applied to the shortcut to the Disconnected Scanning client), Anonymous Access must not be selected for the Application Server's virtual directory.

    • When using an interactive auto-logon method (i.e., the -INTERACTIVE command line switch is applied to the shortcut to the Disconnected Scanning client) the auto-logon will work correctly only if Anonymous Access is selected for the Application Server's virtual directory.

    For more information, see the Authentication documentation.

  7. I am having trouble getting my scanner's user interface to close after all documents in a batch have been scanned.

    If your TWAIN scanner does not end the scanning operation after all documents have been scanned, one of the following command line switches can be added to the Disconnected Scanning shortcut.

    • Use the -AUTOTWAIN switch to ensure that Disconnected Scanning returns to an idle state after scanning, instead of locking.

    • Use the -NOTWAINUI switch to prevent the scanner's user interface from being displayed altogether.

  8. I am having trouble getting the Disconnected Scanning client to recognize values from self-configured bar code sheets.

    The Kofax hardware or software used to read bar code values in the Disconnected Scanning client sporadically has an issue reading the %SELFCONFIG% string that identifies a self-configured bar code sheet.

    To resolve this issue, generate self-configured bar code sheets using the string OBSELFCONFIG instead of %SELFCONFIG%.

  9. When using standard OnBase security, users are able to log on to the Disconnected Scanning client despite password restrictions (e.g., the user's password has expired, the password expired on first use, etc.).

    When performing a Server logon to log on to Disconnected Scanning, the OnBase Application Server checks to ensure that the user's password meets all password restrictions (e.g., the password has not expired, the password did not expire after first use, etc.). If the user's password has expired, he/she is prompted to reset it.

    However, when performing a Local logon, the Disconnected Scanning client does not connect to the OnBase Application Server to perform these checks; if the password restrictions were met at the time of the last Server logon (i.e., the last configuration file update), then the user's log on credentials will remain valid for Local logons until the next Server logon is performed and the OnBase Application Server is able to determine that the user's password no longer meets the password restrictions.

  10. When I close the Disconnected Scanning client, and Encrypt local diskgroup is enabled, the temp folder is not deleted from the local Disk Group.
    By default, Microsoft Office documents are opened in an external viewer rather than within the Disconnected Scanning client. If the documents are still open in the external viewer when the Disconnected Scanning client is closed, and Encrypt local diskgroup is enabled, those documents will not be deleted from the temp folder in the local Disk Group. To prevent this behavior, you must modify the registry to allow the documents to be viewed within the Disconnected Scanning client. For more information on modifying the registry for Microsoft Office documents, search the Microsoft Support documentation for Microsoft Office documents open in a new application window.
  11. Multiple translations of the <Default> option are displayed in the Datasource drop-down in the User authentication dialog box.
    When switching between system locales on the same workstation (e.g., moving from one language DLL to another), the previous language values are not cleared. The previous values for the <Default> option, such as <Predeterminado> (for Spanish), are displayed.
  12. If you are using Kofax SVRS, the Disconnected Scanning client unexpectedly closes after clicking OK in the Modify Scan Format dialog box and then clicking Scan immediately after.

    There is a known issue with Kofax SVRS that causes the Disconnected Scanning client to close after click OK in the Modify Scan Format dialog box and clicking Scan immediately after.

    To prevent the Disconnected Scanning client from unexpectedly closing, wait a few seconds after clicking OK in the Modify Scan Format dialog box before clicking Scan.

  13. Is there any way to run the Scheduler service using a Windows account other than the account that was logged on when the Scheduler service was installed?

    Typically, the Windows user that is logged on when the Scheduler service is installed must be logged on when the Scheduler service is running to automatically upload batches to OnBase.

    However, if needed, the Scheduler service can be installed and run using the Windows LocalSystem user account, but this will require you to use standard OnBase security (i.e., an OnBase user name/password must be provided in the Schedule item dialog box). Active Directory and LDAP authentication cannot be used when running the Scheduler service using the Windows LocalSystem user account.

  14. Automatic scan queue processes are not being performed.

    Automatic processes, such as Auto OCR Batches, Auto Commit Batches, Auto PDF Conversion, Auto-Perform Image Processing, and Auto-Run after Scan, are only initiated when batch activity (indexing, scanning, etc.) is performed in the OnBase Client module.

    If batch activity is taking place outside the OnBase Client, and automation is needed, the desired processes must be performed on a workstation running the OnBase Client module with one or more Auto-Processing Command Line switch(es) or they must be scheduled to occur on a workstation running the OnBase Client module.

    This does not apply to the Auto-Foldering and Auto-Naming options, as they take place on a document level rather than based on batch activity.