Configuring the Local Disk Group Location at Logon - Disconnected Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

Disconnected Scanning

Disconnected Scanning
Foundation 23.1

When you open the Disconnected Scanning client, if the location of the local Disk Group has not been configured, the Local diskgroup settings dialog box is displayed.

You are prompted to configure the location of the local Disk Group. The local Disk Group is the folder in which scanned documents are stored before being uploaded to OnBase.

To configure the location of the local Disk Group:

  1. In the Local diskgroup base path field, enter the location to use for the local Disk Group, or click Browse to locate and select the location.
  2. To encrypt any image documents stored in the local Disk Group folder, select Encrypt local diskgroup. Encryption prevents the documents from being viewed outside the Disconnected Scanning client.

    The Encrypt local diskgroup option is only available if there is no batch data on the local Disk Group and if you have administrative rights for Disconnected Scanning. For more information, contact your system administrator.

  3. Click OK.