The Disconnected Scanning Client - Disconnected Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Disconnected Scanning

Disconnected Scanning
Foundation 23.1

After logging on, the Disconnected Scanning client is displayed.

  1. The Batches Window. The Batches window allows you to view and manage batches of documents as they are scanned and indexed in the Disconnected Scanning client. For more information, see Batches Window.
  2. The Indexing Window. The Indexing window allows you to view, add and modify indexing information for documents scanned and indexed in the Disconnected Scanning client. For more information, see Indexing Window.
  3. The Working Window. The Working window allows you to view a document that has been scanned, scanned from disk or swept into the Disconnected Scanning client so that it can be scanned or indexed. For more information, see Working Window.
  4. The Messages Window. The Messages window displays status information about the scanning or uploading process. For more information, see Messages Window.
  5. The Status Bar. The Status Bar displays information about the current Disconnected Scanning session. For more information, see Status Bar.

    If the Batches, Indexing, or Messages windows are closed, you can open them by clicking Windows | <Window Name> from the Main Menu. To reset the Disconnected Scanning client to its default display, click Windows| Reset Windows.