Importing AutoFill Keyword Sets - Disconnected Scanning - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Disconnected Scanning

Disconnected Scanning
Foundation 24.1

Some workstations may require one or more instances of an AutoFill Keyword Set that differ from those available from the OnBase Application Server.

You can import a cache of AutoFill Keyword Sets to the Disconnected Scanning workstation from a text file. In order to use the import file for populating AutoFill Keyword Sets, the file must contain both the appropriate data and the appropriate formatting. To set up a proper import text file, ensure the following:

  • Each line in the text file represents one instance of the AutoFill Keyword Set. The order of Keyword Values in the line must match the order of Keyword Types in the AutoFill Keyword Set. See the OnBase Configuration module Help for more information on AutoFill Keyword Set configuration.

  • The first value in each instance of the AutoFill Keyword Set is the primary Keyword Value. Delimiters are placed to the left and right of each value. Values are separated by separators. An example file is shown below.


If a Keyword Type that is part of the AutoFill Keyword Set is configured to use Keyword Type Masking, be aware that the Keyword Value will be imported correctly regardless of whether the static characters are present in the import file or not.

To import the file:

  1. Select Server | Autofill keyset/dataset maintenance | Import Autofill Keyset From File.
  2. Select the AutoFill Keyword Set you are adding instances to from the Autofill Keyset drop-down.
  3. Enter the path for the import file or use the Browse button to browse to the file's location.
  4. Specify the delimiter in the text file.
    A delimiter is a character that encloses each Keyword Value in the text file, such as quotation marks. Delimiters are commonly used when a separator is present within the field.
  5. Specify the separator in the text file. A separator is character that separates Keyword Values in the text file, such as a comma or a back slash.
  6. If you wish to clear existing AutoFill Keyword Set data from the workstation prior to importing instances of the AutoFill Keyword Set from the text file, select the Clear all existing instance data for this keyword set before import check box.