Installing the Disconnected Scanning Scheduler Service - Disconnected Scanning - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

Disconnected Scanning

Disconnected Scanning
Foundation 24.1
  1. Launch the Disconnected Scanning Scheduler service in one of the following ways:
    • From the Main Menu, click Scheduling | Schedule operations.

    • Click the Schedule Uploads button in the main Disconnected Scanning toolbar.

  2. You are prompted to install the scheduler.

    The Windows user that is logged on when the Scheduler service is installed must be logged on when the Scheduler service is running to automatically upload batches to OnBase. Or, if needed, the Scheduler service can be installed and run using the Windows LocalSystem user account, but this will require you to use standard OnBase security (i.e., an OnBase user name/password must be provided in the Schedule item dialog box). Active Directory or LDAP authentication cannot be used when running the Scheduler service using the Windows LocalSystem user account.


    Although the Scheduler service can be installed and run using the Windows LocalSystem user account, this is generally not recommended. The Scheduler service might need NTFS permissions on the server hosting the OnBase Disk Group(s) that the documents are being uploaded to, and a domain user account with the correct permissions is typically used to access this content. However, some environments might allow this configuration.

    The installation process is brief, and you are notified when it is complete. Until the Scheduler service is installed and running, scheduled uploads cannot be performed.