To log all messages from the Messages window to a text file stored on the local workstation, from the Main Menu, click Settings | Log Messages To File. To disable logging, click Settings | Log Messages To File again.
When scan/server message logging is enabled:
Messages displayed in the Scan tab are written to the rsscan.log file in the in the local disk group.
Messages displayed in the Server tab are written to the rscomm.log file in the local disk group.
If Disconnected Scanning is running in debugging mode:
If you are scanning using an ISIS scan format, scanning information is recorded in the ISIS_debug.log file in the local disk group.
If you are performing bar code recognition using the Hyland Bar Code Recognition software, bar code processing information is recorded in the Barcode_debug.log and BarcodeImage_debug.log files in the local disk group.
For information on running Disconnected Scanning in debugging mode, contact your solution provider.