This is the typical Windows convention for referencing shared directories and files. Specific Windows users/groups must be assigned access privileges to the shared directory, but all other user groups should be removed from the share (if UNC access does not fail, then DDS is not triggered).
The following users/groups should be assigned to the share:
Create a special local or domain DDSUser account. Assign the DDSUser to have Change and Read share permissions and Modify security permissions for the shared directory and its contents.
Assign special users direct access for the purpose of OnBase scanning or full-text retrieval.
The file server administrator group can still be assigned to the share, if necessary.
Security permissions should be set to allow the user account associated with DDS to write to the location of the DDSErrors.txt log file. The Distributed Disk Services Server must be started as an administrator under Windows User Account Control for the logging to function correctly. To launch an application as an administrator, right click the shortcut with the switches applied and select Run as Administrator. Depending on your system, you may be prompted to enter the administrator's user name and password before proceeding.
If a Disk Group copy exists on a server, its path is configured in one of the following formats:
\\ ddsserver-workstation \C$\...
\\ ddsserver-workstation \Share\...
The C$ does not denote a hidden drive, but is a special convention used by the DDSServer to reference a local drive. If the Disk Group path is entered in this manner, DDS interprets the "driveletter$" naming convention as a local (non-UNC) path on the named server. In these cases, DDS substitutes : for the $. In this way, a path configured as \\server\C$\directory is received by the DDS server as c:\directory. This feature allows DDS to access any mapped drive on the machine executing DDS.
Care must be taken when removing privileges from UNC shares. If a share is deleted (utilizing the latter form), Distributed Disk Services will not be able to access files using the paths the OnBase Client module sends to it. The former method is preferred.