Troubleshooting information can be obtained by using the DDS Validate functionality in the OnBase Configuration module. To validate a DDS server:
- In the Configuration module, select Distributed Disk Services from the Disk Mgmt | Distributed Services menu. The Distributed Disk Services Setup dialog is displayed.
- Select the server to validate.
Click Validate. The Validate DDS Server Configuration dialog is displayed.
Under Disk Groups that can use this DDS Server select the Disk Group, Volume, and Copy to validate.
Only Disk Groups that are hosted on the same server as the server listed in the DDS Server pane are available from the Disk Group drop-down list. To be eligible for validation, the Disk Group/Volume/Copy must be configured as a UNC share.
Select Mount Test to ensure that the Disk Group, volume, and copy specified can be accessed.
Select Full File Scan Test to ensure that the Disk Group, volume, and copy specified can be mounted and the files contained in it can be accessed.
- Click Validate. Information regarding the results of the validation is displayed in the Results pane.
- When finished, click Close.