Communication Problems - Distributed Disk Services - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Distributed Disk Services

Distributed Disk Services
Foundation 23.1

If the OnBase Client or Configuration modules do not seem to use DDS verify that the communication is working and that OnBase has network access to the DDSserver. If communication is not successful, the following may be the source of the problem:

  • The network address is incorrect. The DDS console shows the network addresses that can be used to access it. The network address can have one of these forms:

    • TCP/IP ( use this form to diagnose network problems if the other forms listed will not work.

    • Domain (

    • Windows (workstation)

  • The port number is incorrect. If the port is correct, then the network routers and/or gateways may be blocking the port number.

  • DDS is not running on the workstation at the network address.

  • UDP traffic may be blocked between the OnBase Client or application server and the DDS server. DDS requires unrestricted bidirectional network access for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) on the specified port.

  • If the network is having difficulty maintaining a persistent connection, you can select Use non-persistent TCP connections (old method), located in the Distributed Disk Services dialogue box, to reconnect to the DDS server with each file request instead of maintaining a persistent connection. This will result in slower transfer times for files retrieved, and is not recommended for long-term usage.

Verify that the workstation name specified for the disk group platter path matches the workstation name of the DDS. Only the name that appears in the Workstation Name field can be used in the disk group platter path.