Enhanced Security - Distributed Disk Services - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Distributed Disk Services

Distributed Disk Services
Foundation 23.1

While standard file system access to the OnBase Disk Groups is secure, DDS provides an additional layer of security:

  • A secure port employs a single access point for OnBase file retrieval.

  • DDS file servers can be kept behind a firewall. The firewall only needs access to a secure port, avoiding UNC traffic.


    Distributed services require unrestricted bidirectional network access for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) between the client and server on the specified port.

  • To protect documents from being intercepted in a data stream, the full contents of the data stream is encrypted.

  • When Windows permissions are configured properly, users cannot browse to files using Windows Explorer.