If statements, also referred to as conditional statements, are the building blocks for an Advanced Condition Placeholder and determine the value for the Advanced Condition Placeholder.
An if statement says that if an entered Placeholder value meets a condition, the statement is true and either reaches a value or moves to the next child if statement (if applicable). If none of the entered Placeholder values meets the condition, the statement is false and proceeds to either a different solution or the next sibling condition.
To configure an if statement for an Advanced Condition Placeholder:
From the Advanced Condition dialog box, click the Select Source Placeholder drop-down list:
Do one of the following:
Select an existing Placeholder to compare a value against.
Select <Create New Placeholder> to create a new Placeholder to compare a value against. For more information on creating Placeholders, see Creating Placeholders.
The newly created Placeholder is automatically selected.
Note:Certain Placeholders cannot be selected as a source Placeholder. While creatable from the <Select Source Placeholder> drop-down list, only Placeholders that return a single plain-text value are available to select as a source Placeholder.
Click the operator button to display available operators. Operators determine how the source Placeholder will be compared with values entered later in the process.
Select the appropriate operator for the if statement. Operators are distinguished as either Multiple-Value Operator or Single-Value Operator.
A single-value operator allows you to enter only one comparison value. A multiple-value operator allows you to enter more than one comparison value.
Multiple-Value Operator
Equal To
The actual value for the source Placeholder must be equal to any one of the entered values for the statement to be true.
Note:The Equal To operator is selected by default for each newly created if statement.
Not Equal To
The actual value for the source Placeholder must not be equal to any one of the entered values for the statement to be true.
Starts With
The actual value for the source Placeholder must begin with the following characters for the statement to be true.
Ends With
The actual value for the source Placeholder must end with the following characters for the statement to be true.
The actual value for the source Placeholder must contain the following characters sequentially for the statement to be true.
Single-Value Operator
Greater Than
The actual value for the source Placeholder must be greater than the entered value for the statement to be true.
Greater Than or Equal To
The actual value for the source Placeholder must be greater than or equal to the entered value for the statement to be true.
Less Than
The actual value for the source Placeholder must be less than the entered value for the statement to be true.
Less Than or Equal To
The actual value for the source Placeholder must be less than or equal to the entered value for the statement to be true.
Note:Only numeric values can be used with single-value operators. The following are examples of acceptable values: 77, 77.3, -77, (77), and 1,977.
Select Is Blank if the value for the Placeholder must be null for the variable to be true.
Do one of the following:
If a single-value operator is selected, enter a comparison value into the field.
Note:You can not enter a semicolon (;) as part of the value for a single-value operator.
If a multiple-value operator is selected, enter one or more comparison values into the field, each separated with a semicolon (;). For example, a field with values 33, 44, and 55 should read 33;44;55.
Note:A maximum of 127 characters can be entered in the field.
You can also click the Edit button in the field to enter more than one comparison value:
The Edit Values dialog box is displayed:
Enter one value per field. As you begin typing in one field, a new field is created. Click OK to save the entered values.
- The if statement is configured. For information on creating additional if statements (i.e., child and sibling conditions), see Creating New Conditions.