The options on the Processing Queue Warning Levels tab allow you to configure automatic email notifications if either of the following conditions is true:
a specified number of batches associated with the scan queue reside in a batch status queue (i.e., batches notifications)
one or more batches associated with the scan queue still reside in a batch status queue after a specified number of hours (i.e., hours notifications).
To send the warning level email notifications, either the Hyland Distribution Service or External Mail Services must be configured for your OnBase solution. If both services are configured, the Hyland Distribution Service prevails. For more information, see the Hyland Distribution Service and External Mail Services module reference guides.
The batches notifications are dependent on the number of batches associated with the configured scan queue residing in the batch status queue, not the total number of batches (of all scan queues) that reside in the batch status queue.
For example, you might configure a notification to be sent when 10 batches associated with the AP - Invoices scan queue reside in the Awaiting Index batch status queue. However, if only eight batches associated with the AP - Invoices scan queue reside in the Awaiting Index batch status queue, no notifications would be sent regardless of the total number of batches residing in that queue.
Once a warning notification is sent, another notification is not sent as long as the number of batches remains above the configured threshold. If the number of batches was to fall below the threshold and then rise above it again, another notification would be sent.
To configure automatic warning level notifications:
Once all warning level notification have been configured, you must run an OnBase Client workstation with the -SCANAUTONOTIFY command line switch in order for the workstation to poll the batch status queues and send out the warning level notification(s).
If the OnBase Client is not running, or is not running with this command line switch, the batch status queues are not polled and no warning level notifications are sent.
If warning level notifications are configured for more than one scan queue, not just more than one batch status queue, it may be useful to use the - SCANAUTOQUEUE command line switch in combination with this feature to limit the scan queues that the polling workstation will poll.