Field Order - Document Import Processor - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Document Import Processor

Document Import Processor
Foundation 22.1

The field order configuration of the DIP format provides the ability for the system to identify the individual documents and associated Keyword Types in the Import Index file.

  1. In the Configuration module, select Import | Document Import Processor. The Document Import Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the appropriate processing format.
  3. Click Field Order. The Import Processor Configuration dialog box displays a list of all the Document Types selected for the DIP process.
  4. Select a Document Type.
  5. Click Field Configuration. The Field Configuration dialog box is displayed.

    If the Import Index file contains more than one Document Type, the field order for each Document Type must be configured.

  6. Examine the Import Index file to identify the tags used. Type the name of a tag in the field tag input field in the lower left side of the Field Configuration dialog box.

    The tags entered must exactly match those in the Import Index file (these values are case-sensitive). If there is a character that acts as a separator between tag and value, include it in the field tag input field; otherwise it will become part of the value. (e.g., if your tag is CustomerName: and the value is Sarah Adams, make sure the : is included when typing CustomerName:. Otherwise, the value will become : Sarah Adams instead of Sarah Adams.

  7. From the drop-down list in the lower right side of the dialog box, select the Keyword Type to map the tag to.

    It is not necessary to list the Keyword Tag more than once if multiple Keyword Values may be assigned for the same Keyword Type.

  8. Click Add to move the tag to the Keywords list.
  9. Add mandatory and optional Default Keyword Types. Keep the following considerations in mind:
    • Depending on your Import Index file, you must add either the Default Keyword Type >>Full Path, >>File Path, or a combination of >>File Path and >>File Name.


      When configuring a Normal DIP process that is not configured to use the FTP Download option, if you use the Default Keyword Type >>File Name without also using the >>File Path Default Keyword Type, the Document Import Processor will search for the file in the directory where the Import Index file is located. When configuring a Normal DIP process that is configured to use the FTP Download option, if you use the Default Keyword Type >>File Name without also using the >>File Path Default Keyword Type, the Document Import Processor will search for the file in the default FTP directory.

    • An absolute path must be supplied for a >>File Path Default Keyword Type.

    • The >>Full Path and >>File Path Default Keyword Types are not available when configuring an In-Place DIP process. The >>File Name Default Keyword Type may be used instead.

    • When using a DIP process to import E-Forms, only the >>Document Type Keyword Type is needed. The >>Full Path, >>File Path, and >>File Name Keyword Types are not required.

    • If you have any of the following Default Keyword Types in the order sequence of the Field Order Configuration, you must put them in the sequence before the >>FullPath or >>FileName Default Keyword Types, otherwise the process will use the default values of those Default Keyword Types. (e.g., Offset =0, Disk Group Number = the Default Disk Group). >>Disk Group Number >>File Type >>File Path >>Number of Pages >>Offset >>Size

    • If the File Type (file format) is not specified in the Import Index file, the DIP process will default to the file format configured for the Document Type.


      It is considered a best practice to specify the File Type in the Import Index file, especially when importing revisions that may use a different file type than the original document. Failure to specify the File Type can result in an incorrect file type being assigned to the document, which can prevent the document from being opened.

    • For text files, the Default Keyword Type >>Number of Pages is used to designate the number of pages that are in one text file. If more than one text file is imported as part of one document, only the first page will be viewable, even though multiple pages will show in the Properties dialog box.

    • If the Import Index file contains more than one Document Type, both the Import Index file and Field Configuration must contain one of the following Default Keyword Types: >>Document Type or >>Document Type Number.

    • If there are any field values in the Import Index file that you do not want to map to Keyword Types, add the Default Keyword Type >>Dummy Key.


      Each defined >>Dummy Key Default Keyword Type will increase the demand on your DIP process, which may result in decreased performance.

    • To make a Keyword Type required, check the box next to the field tag box. When the tag is added, an X will appear in the Required column.


    For more information on Default Keyword Types, see.

  10. Every Import Index file must contain a tag that identifies the beginning of each document. Type the name of this tag in the field tag input field in the bottom left corner of the Field Configuration dialog box. Select from the drop-down list the Default Keyword Type to which you want to map the tag. Click Add to move the tag to the Keywords list.
    • >>Begin Document, Exclusive:

      Identifies a text string as one that designates the beginning of a document. This text string will be mapped to a System Keyword Type. The System Keyword Type is not a Keyword Type that stores Keyword Values by which the document can be searched. An example of a >>Begin Document, Exclusive tag is BEGIN: in the Import Index file illustration displayed under step 5.

    • >>Begin Document, Inclusive:

      Uses a tag that is also mapped to a Keyword Type as the item that designates the beginning of a document. This is useful if your Import Index file does not contain a text string whose purpose is to mark the beginning of a document.

  11. If you selected >>Begin Document, Inclusive in step 10, and you also want that tag to map to a Keyword Type that is searchable in the system, make a total of two field tags for that item:
    • one as the item that designates the beginning of a document

    • one as the Keyword Type to which it will be mapped

      DIP does not allow duplicate field tags, so when you enter the two tags, you must vary the tag name. Because it must match the Import Index file exactly, it is recommended that you type a portion of the text string for one tag and the entire text string for the other tag. In the following example, the field tag Last Name marks the beginning of the document and Last Name: maps the tag to its Keyword Type.


    Begin Document, Inclusive tags are the only tags that can be configured to use part of the text string used by another tag. You cannot map a tag to a Keyword Type that is used by another Keyword Type.

  12. If any of the Keyword Types to which you are mapping tags have a data type of Date or Currency, select the defined field tag and click Format to define the format. See Tagged DIP Field Order Configuration for details.
  13. Repeat steps 6 – 11 for all additional Document Types in the DIP process.