Default Keyword Types Used in DIP Processes - Document Import Processor - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Document Import Processor

Document Import Processor
Foundation 22.1

The following Default Keyword Types are used to identify specific information about documents in a DIP process. For additional information on specific terms, refer to the Client and Configuration Help files.

In many cases these Keyword Types do not store values by which the document can be searched.

>>Begin Document, Exclusive:

Uses a text string whose sole purpose is to identify the beginning of a document. Begin Document Keyword Types do not store Keyword Values by which the document can be searched.


The Begin Document, Exclusive tag is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as it appears in the Import Index File.

>>Begin Document, Inclusive:

Uses a text string to identify the beginning of a document, as well as to map a Keyword Value by which the document can be searched. Begin Document, Inclusive is specific to Tagged DIP configuration.

>>Date Stored

Stores an Import Index field as the date the document was stored. When using this default Keyword Type, you must configure the date format as it appears in your Import Index File.

>>Disk Group Number

Identifies the Disk Group in which the document should be stored. For normal archive, the Disk Group Number refers to the Disk Group in the local system for the following image. An In Place DIP always archives to one Disk Group and should never use the Disk Group Number system Keyword Type.

>>Document Date

Stores an Import Index field as the Document Date. When using this default Keyword Type, you must configure the date format as it appears in your Import Index File.

>>Document Name

Stores the Import Index field as the name of the document being imported.

>>Document Trace Number

A value used by statement rendering.

>>Document Type

Identifies the Document Type of the document being imported. The >>Document Type field is case sensitive and the value associated with this Default Keyword Type must match the Document Type configured in the system exactly. You must use either the >>Document Type or >>Document Type Number field if the DIP process is configured to import documents belonging to more than one Document Type or if you are using DIP to import E-Forms.


If you use the >>Document Type and >>Document Type Number Keyword Types in the same import process, DIP will calculate the Document Type based whichever of these Keyword Types appears last in the order sequence.

>>Document Type Number

Identifies the Document Type Number of the document being imported. The value associated with this Default Keyword Type must match the Document Type Number configured in the system exactly. You must use either the >>Document Type Number or >>Document Type field if the DIP process is configured to import documents belonging to more than one Document Type, or if you are using DIP to import E-Forms.


If you use the >>Document Type and >>Document Type Number Keyword Types in the same import process, DIP will calculate the Document Type based whichever of these Keyword Types appears last in the order sequence.

>>Dummy Key

Ignores a field. If your Import Index file contains a value that you do not wish to associate with a Keyword Type, configure it as a dummy key.

>>End Page

Indicates the end of the Import Index file and the beginning of the footer. This tag is specific to Self-Configuring DIP and should not be used for other DIP processes.

>>File Name

Identifies the file name (including the extension) of the document to be imported, or a partial path and file name. For example, \SOURCE_FILES\DATA\image.tif.

>>File Path

Identifies an absolute path to the document to be imported. For example, C:\SOURCE_FILES\DATA. When using this default Keyword Type, a file name must also be associated with the >>File Name default Keyword Type.


If you have configured a DIP process to import documents into multiple Document Types from a single import index file, you must place the >>File Type Keyword Type before the >>File Path Keyword Type in the index file.

>>File Type

Identifies the file type of a document and allows multiple file formats to be processed from a DIP file. Represented by a number that corresponds with the file type. For more information on specific file formats and their corresponding numbers, see the System Administration documentation.


If your file type does not correspond to a File Format that the system can recognize, the DIP Verification Report will display the following error message: "Error: File Type Number [] is invalid. The file was not indexed."


If you have configured a DIP process to import documents into multiple Document Types from a single import index file, you must place the >>File Type Keyword Type before the >>File Path Keyword Type in the index file.

>>Full Path

Identifies a full path to the document to be imported, which includes a drive letter or UNC path. For example, c:\database\image.tif.


You must use at least one Default Keyword Type to identify the location of the file to be imported. The system Keyword Type you use will depend on the characteristics of the Import Index File; options include: >>File Name, >>File Path or >>Full Path. Place Keyword Types of this type in the position in which the name of the file to be imported is located in the Import Index File.

>>Geo Altitude

Identifies the geolocated altitude in meters above the mean sea level for the document. This field can accept decimal values from the Import Index File, but only stores whole numbers in the database. Positive numbers will be rounded up (1.1 will be rounded to 2), and negative numbers will be rounded down (-1.1 will be rounded to -1).


When using this Default Keyword Type, you must also configure the process to use the >>Geo Longitude and >>Geo Longitude Default Keyword Types.

>>Geo Bearing

Identifies the geolocated bearing for the document. This field can accept decimal values from the Import Index File, but only stores whole numbers in the database. Positive numbers will be rounded up (1.1 will be rounded to 2), and negative numbers will be rounded down (-1.1 will be rounded to -1).


When using this Default Keyword Type, you must also configure the process to use the >>Geo Longitude and >>Geo Longitude Default Keyword Types.

>>Geo Horizontal Accuracy

Identifies the radius used to determine the horizontal two-dimensional circle that contains the true latitudinal and longitudinal values for the geolocated document. This field can accept decimal values from the Import Index File, but only stores whole numbers in the database. Positive numbers will be rounded up (1.1 will be rounded to 2), and negative numbers will be rounded down (-1.1 will be rounded to -1).


When using this Default Keyword Type, you must also configure the process to use the >>Geo Longitude and >>Geo Longitude Default Keyword Types.

>>Geo Latitude

Identifies the latitude associated with the geolocated document. This number must be between -90 and 90. The latitude will be stored as a value containing 6 decimal places. If 6 decimal places were not included in the original value, zeroes will be appended to the number for each missing decimal place. For example: the Import Index file contains the value 82.1234. This value is stored in the database as 82.123400.


When using this Default Keyword Type, you must also configure the process to use the >>Geo Longitude Default Keyword Type.


This Default Keyword Type cannot store non-numeric characters. Any non-numeric characters in the Import Index file mapped to this Default Keyword Type are replaced with a zero in the database. For example: the Import Index file contains the value 8A2.123456. The "A" is replaced with a 0, and the value 802.123456 is stored in the database.

>>Geo Longitude

Identifies the latitude associated with the geolocated document. This number must be between -180 and 180.


When using this Default Keyword Type, you must also configure the process to use the >>Geo Latitude Default Keyword Type.


This Default Keyword Type cannot store non-numeric characters. Any non-numeric characters in the Import Index file mapped to this Default Keyword Type are replaced with a zero in the database. For example: the Import Index file contains the value 8A2.123456. The "A" is replaced with a 0, and the value 802.123456 is stored in the database.

>>Geo Timestamp

Identifies the time at which the geolocated document's geolocation values were recorded. If a value for >>Geo Timestamp is provided in the Import Index File, it must be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

If no value for >>Geo Timestamp is provided in the Import Index File, the Document Date/Time recorded when the document was processed is inserted as the >>Geo Timestamp.


When using this Default Keyword Type, you must also configure the process to use the >>Geo Longitude and >>Geo Longitude Default Keyword Types.

>>Geo Vertical Accuracy

Identifies the radius used to determine the vertical line that contains the true altitude value of the geolocated document. This field can accept decimal values from the Import Index File, but only stores whole numbers in the database. Positive numbers will be rounded up (1.1 will be rounded to 2), and negative numbers will be rounded down (-1.1 will be rounded to -1).


When using this Default Keyword Type, you must also configure the process to use the >>Geo Longitude and >>Geo Longitude Default Keyword Types.

>>Number of Pages

Identifies the total number of pages in a document. This Default Keyword Type allows you to store a specified number of pages as a document, while bypassing the remainder. For example, you may wish to store only the first five pages of a multi-page TIFF file.


This Default Keyword Type is only supported for use with Self-Configuring DIP processes.


Identifies the number of bytes (from the top of the file) that the document begins. For example, you may wish to import a concatenated TIFF file composed of four images as four separate system documents. In this case you would use the >>Offset Default Keyword Type to identify the beginning of each new system document. In the following simplified Import Index File the second value is the offset. The 104.IMG file is imported as three separate documents, which begin at byte 0, 7558, and 15692 respectively.




>>Original File Name

The original file name of the CAD drawing. You can import a drawing that uses the same >>Original File Name as another previously-imported document, as long as the >>Project Path or >>Project Number is different from the previously-imported document. If the >>Original File Name, >>Project Path, and >>Project Number are all identical to an existing document, the new drawing will not be imported.


This Default Keyword Type is only used when importing CAD drawings. See the CAD Services documentation for more information on configuring a DIP process to import CAD documents.

>>Parent Original File Name

The original file name of the parent CAD drawing being imported. You can import a parent relationship that uses the same >>Parent Original File Name as existing parent relationship, as long as the >>Parent Project Path or >>Relation Path is different from the previously-imported document. If the >>Parent Original File Name, >>Parent Project Path, and >>Relation Path are all identical to an existing parent relationship, the relationship will not be imported.


This Default Keyword Type must be placed after the >>Parent Project Path and >>Relation Path Default Keyword Types in the import index file.


This Default Keyword Type is only used when importing CAD drawings. See the CAD Services documentation for more information on configuring a DIP process to import CAD documents.

>>Parent Project Path

The location of the parent drawing in the CAD Project's build directory.


This Default Keyword Type must be placed before all other CAD Default Keyword Types in the import index file (Original File Name, Parent Original File Name, Project Number, Project Path, and Relation Path).


This Default Keyword Type is only used when importing CAD drawings. See the CAD Services documentation for more information on configuring a DIP process to import CAD documents.

>>Project Number

The CAD Project Number for the CAD Project that this document will be assigned to.


This Default Keyword Type is only used when importing CAD drawings. See the CAD Services documentation for more information on configuring a DIP process to import CAD documents.

>>Project Path

The directory in which the imported document will be placed (located in the CAD Project's build directory).


This Default Keyword Type is only used when importing CAD drawings. See the CAD Services documentation for more information on configuring a DIP process to import CAD documents.

>>Relation Path

The relative path from the parent drawing to the child drawing.


This Default Keyword Type must be placed before the >>Parent Original File Name Default Keyword Type in the import index file.


This Default Keyword Type is only used when importing CAD drawings. See the CAD Services documentation for more information on configuring a DIP process to import CAD documents.


Allows new documents to be imported as renditions of previously existing system documents. All Keyword Values supplied in the Import Index File are used to locate the original document and make the new document a rendition of the original document.

All of the Keyword Values must correspond on both documents. It is best practice to include only the Keyword Values in the Import Index File that determines a relationship between both documents because the rendition Document Type and the original Document Type (to which you are adding a rendition) should have the exact Keyword Types and Keyword Values. The Keyword Values should be somewhat exclusive to these Document Types to avoid multiple documents being found, resulting in the rendition not occurring. For more information see Renditions and .

>>Rendition/New Document

Operates the same way as the >>Rendition Default Keyword Type except that the use of >>Rendition/New Document prevents the Import Index File from being moved to the ERROR_FILES folder and an error message from being displayed in the Verification Report.


Marks the document as a revision of a previously archived document. This Default Keyword Type is used as a system flag and should, therefore, have the value of 1 or 0. 1 indicates ON and 0 indicates OFF. If the flag is turned on, before archival the system will do a search for any documents within this specific Document Type that contain the same Keyword Types as those in the Import Index File. If a match is found, the imported document is stored as a revision of the existing document along with the comment From DIP . If the flag is turned off or a match is not found, the file is imported as a document, rather than a revision.


This Default Keyword Type is only supported for use with Document Types that have the Allow Multiple Revisions option enabled. For more information on configuring a Document Type to Allow Multiple Revisions, see the System Administration documentation.

>>Revision Comment

Stores the revision comment when a revision is created. Revision comments are available in Ordered, Tagged, and Self-Configuring DIP processes. Exporting revision notes to a Self-Configuring Index file is not supported.


This Default Keyword Type is only supported for use with Document Types that have the Allow Multiple Revisions option enabled. For more information on configuring a Document Type to Allow Multiple Revisions, see the System Administration documentation.

>>Revision/New Document

Operates the same way as the >>Revision Default Keyword Type except that the use of >>Revision/New Document prevents the Import Index File from being moved to the ERROR_FILES folder and an error message from being displayed in the Verification Report.


This Default Keyword Type is only supported for use with Document Types that have the Allow Multiple Revisions option enabled. For more information on configuring a Document Type to Allow Multiple Revisions, see the System Administration documentation.

>>Start Page

Indicates the beginning of the Import Index file. This tag is specific to Self-Configuring DIP and should not be used for other DIP processes.


Specifies the size of the document being imported. The value is measured in bytes.

>>Text Encoding

Specifies the text encoding to use for processed files. The value represents the Windows codepage used for encoding, and must be from 37 to 65001.


If you have configured a DIP process to import multiple documents from a single import index file, you must place the >>Text Encoding Keyword Type before the >>File Path Keyword Type in the index file.

>>Verification Report Comment

Identifies information about the imported document that is added as a comment in the Verification Report. The comment text is displayed only in the Verification Report; it is not stored with the document in OnBase.

>>Volume Number

Identifies the volume in which the document is stored. This tag is specific to Self-Configuring DIP and should not be used for other DIP processes.


Use >>Disk Group Number and >>Volume Number Default Keyword Types with caution. Improper configuration can result in serious damage to Disk Groups and other archive settings.