Overview of the Import Index File - Document Import Processor - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Document Import Processor

Document Import Processor
Foundation 22.1

The Import Index File is used during a DIP process to provide the ability to automatically index imported documents. Once the DIP process is complete, Keyword Values are associated with the imported documents. Documents can be searched for and retrieved based on those Keyword Values.

An Import Index File is made up of document records. Each record is composed of fields, which contain information about a document to be imported, such as the location of the document to be imported and its Keyword Values. The system associates field values in the record with Document Types and Keyword Types based on the Process Settings configuration for the DIP format.

  • In most cases, document information is exported from another system as an ASCII text file. DIP uses this text file, called an Import Index File, to import and index documents into OnBase.

  • In other cases, document information is exported from an OnBase system as an ASCII text file. This Import Index File is used to import and index documents into another OnBase system or database. The Import Index File format used for this purpose is called a Self Configuring DIP. The export of the Self Configuring DIP Import Index File is explained in the Configuration section of this manual.

  • You can also manually create an Import Index File based on the Process Settings Configuration for the DIP Format.

The following example displays the two basic formats of Import Index files, the Tagged DIP Import Index file and the Ordered DIP Import Index file: