Information about each document imported as part of a DIP process can be added as a comment in the Verification Report. The comment text is displayed only in the Verification Report; it is not stored with the document in OnBase.
It is recommended that, when using preprocessors to prepare documents for DIP processing, comments indicating the type of preprocessor used and/or how the preprocessor affected the documents being imported into OnBase be added to the Verification Report for tracking purposes.
The comment text is obtained along with information about the document being imported from the Import Index file, so the Field Order of the DIP process must be configured to identify this information.
The >>VerificationReportComment Default Document Type is used to identify the comment text in the Import Index file. This default Keyword Type is assigned to a Tagged or Ordered DIP Field Order configuration like other Keyword Types or Default Keyword Types.
For more information on Field Order Configuration, see Tagged DIP Field Order Configuration or Tagged DIP Field Order Configuration.