The following Default Keyword Types are used only when automatically adding notes to documents during the DIP process.
- >>Note Date
The date that the note was created (i.e., the Note Date).
Note:If the >>Note Date and the >>Note Date Time Default Keyword Types are used in the same Field Configuration, the value of the Keyword Type that appears last in the Import Index File will be saved as the Note Date. If >>Note Date is located after >>Note Date Time in the Import Index File, the >>Note Date value will overwrite the >>Note Date Time value for the Note Date, but the Note Time value will be retained from the >>Note Date Time Default Keyword Type.
- >>Note Date Time
The date and time that the note was created. Values for the >>Note Date Time Default Keyword Type must be in the MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS format in the Import Index File. Note Time values must be entered using a 24-hour clock (i.e., 13:00:00 for 1:00:00 PM).
Note:If the >>Note Date and the >>Note Date Time Default Keyword Types are used in the same Field Configuration, the value of the Keyword Type that appears last in the Import Index File will be saved as the Note Date. If >>Note Date is located after >>Note Date Time in the Import Index File, the >>Note Date value will overwrite the >>Note Date Time value for the Note Date, but the Note Time value will be retained from the >>Note Date Time Default Keyword Type.
- >>Note Page Number
The page number of the document to which the note is to be added.
- >>Note Revision
The Document Revision Number for the note to be imported via DIP. The note is only displayed on the revision of the document to which it is applied.
Note:This Default Keyword Type is only used for DIP processes whose Archive Method is configured as Import. In this case, each revision of the note will have its own >>Note Revision data and >>Revision Comment, as well as a >>Note Type Name or >>Note Type Number provided in the index file, as only the Note Type Name or Note Type Number is expected to associate the index file note data with the desired Note Type configured in OnBase.
- >>Note Text
The text of the note. To add a carriage return, enter the string \n in the location of the return in the text.
- >>Note Type Name
The name in OnBase of the associated note. This Default Keyword Type should be configured when the index file contains one or more notes to be imported via the DIP process. If multiple notes per document are to be imported, each note will have its own >>Revision Comment, as well as a >>Note Type Name or >>Note Type Number provided in the index file, as only the Note Type Name or Note Type Number is expected to associate the index file note data with the desired Note Type configured in OnBase.
Note:The >>Note Type Name and >>Note Type Number Default Keyword Types must be placed after all other note-defining Default Keyword Types in the Import Index File. Any note-defining Default Keyword Types placed after these values are ignored by the processor, and the default values for these settings will be used.
- >>Note Type Number
The Note Type # of the Note Type that is to be created. This Default Keyword Type should be configured when the index file contains one or more notes to be imported via the DIP process. If multiple notes per document are to be imported, each note will have its own >>Revision Comment, as well as a >>Note Type Name or >>Note Type Number provided in the index file, as only the Note Type Name or Note Type Number is expected to associate the index file note data with the desired Note Type configured in OnBase.
Note:The >>Note Type Name and >>Note Type Number Default Keyword Types must be placed after all other note-defining Default Keyword Types in the Import Index File. Any note-defining Default Keyword Types placed after these values are ignored by the processor, and the default values for these settings will be used.
- >>Note User
The user number of the user who created the note.
Note:If a >>NoteUser in the index file does not exist in your OnBase system, an error will occur during the DIP process.
- >>Note User Name
The user name of the user who created the note.
Note:If a >>NoteUserName in the index file does not exist in your OnBase system, an error will occur during the DIP process.
- >>Note X Coordinate
The horizontal location of the note on the page, measured in 1/100 of an inch. For text documents, this is the column in which the note is displayed.
Note:This value is ignored if it contains an invalid value for the document. It is also ignored for OLE documents because notes must be opened from the Status Bar of the viewer in which the OLE document is displayed.
- >>Note Y Coordinate
The vertical location of the note on the page, measured in 1/100 of an inch. For text documents, this is the row in which the note is displayed.
Note:This value is ignored if it contains an invalid value for the document. It is also ignored for OLE documents because notes must be opened from the Status Bar of the viewer in which the OLE document is displayed.