Export to DIP Imports Multiple Copies of Multi-Page TIFF Files - Document Import Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Document Import Processor

Document Import Processor
Foundation 24.1

If you are attempting to create a self-configured DIP file for documents by using the Export to DIP option and one or more of the documents you are attempting to export to a DIP file is composed of a multi-page TIFF file, the resulting DIP import index file will list the multi-page TIFF file once for each page in the document (not once for the entire document).

For example, if you have a 10-page document in OnBase that is composed of one multi-page TIFF file in the Disk Group, using the Export to DIP option on this document will result in an import index file being created with 10 separate entries, one entry for each page of the document, with each entry referencing the same multi-page TIFF file. When this import index file is processed, the same multi-page TIFF file will be imported into the Disk Group 10 times. These extra copies of the TIFF file will cost additional disk space in the Disk Group, which may be undesirable. In addition, having extra copies of the TIFF file can increase the time it takes to retrieve these documents. When a user attempts to retrieve a multi-page TIFF file that has been imported 10 times, all 10 copies will be retrieved. This will significantly increase the time it takes to retrieve the document.

When facing a situation like this, it is recommended that if you are simply moving one or more documents composed of multi-page TIFF files from one OnBase system to another, you can use the Import archiving method instead of the Normal archiving method. Or, if necessary, you can create a preprocessor for the DIP process to import the multi-page TIFF file only once per document.