Running an Import DIP - Document Import Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Document Import Processor

Document Import Processor
Foundation 24.1

Import DIP processes are used to copy file information from one document management database to another. This archival method also requires a OnBase.ID file, and is only available for Self Configuring DIP.

If you are running a DIP process configured to use an Import archiving method, you must perform additional steps before the process can start. After completing the procedure outlined in Running a DIP, follow these steps:

  1. The Import Disk Group dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select either New Disk Group Name or Existing Disk Group Name.
    1. New Disk Group Name: if you select this option, you will have to enter the name of a disk group to be created. The documents being imported will be stored in this new Disk Group.

      The New Disk Group Name text box is limited to 20 characters.

    2. Existing Disk Group Name: if you select this option, you will only be able to select an existing Disk Group to be used to store your imported documents.
  3. In the Path for Platter field, enter the path to your OnBase.ID file.

    The Verified check box is automatically selected when the path to the OnBase.ID file has been verified as a valid path. If this check box is not selected, there may be a problem with your OnBase.ID file. Please contact your first line of support if you have any questions about this behavior.

  4. Click OK.

    If you are importing documents from more than one volume, select each volume and repeat step 3 until all volumes have been updated.