Configuring PacketPop - Document Packaging - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Document Packaging

Document Packaging
Foundation 22.1

PacketPop allows users to generate document packages, using a simplified Web Client viewer interface. URLs to packages can be shared between users with appropriate privileges.

With Web Server properly installed, the following settings can be configured in the Web Server Web.Config file, under Hyland.Web.PacketPop element:




Required value.

Enter the name of the data source to use with PacketPop.


Optional value.

If set to true, a checksum value will be added to the URL query string. To enable checksums, you are also required to enter a checksum key value in the PacketPop checksum setting, which is used to create the checksum value in the URL. When a user attempts to use the PacketPop URL, PacketPop compares the checksum in the query string to the expected checksum. If the values match, it is possible to generate a package. If the values do not match, the user is presented with an error. This is to prevent users from modifying query strings and accessing packages they should not access.

If you want to enable checksum for PacketPop, the enableChecksum setting must be also set to true in the Application Server Web.Config file.

If set to false, no checksum is created.


Using checksum is recommended. Once the PacketPop URL is created, the checksum prevents users from changing it.


Enter the unique string value used as a key for external, dynamic checksum creation. This string value should not be well known. The checksum setting applies only when enableChecksum is set to true.

The checksum value in the Web Server web.config file must match the ChecksumKey value in the Application Server Web.Config file.