Configuring Keyword Types - Document Tracking - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Document Tracking

Document Tracking
Foundation 24.1

Configuring Document Tracking Keyword Types is optional but can help assist in Document Tracking processes. The information below outlines how to create and configure Document Tracking Keyword Types. Document Tracking Keyword Types include:

  • Document Status

  • Expiration Date

  • Notification Recipients

The Document Status Keyword Type is updated by the Document Tracking Service. It is also updated when a user opens a Document Tracking folder. Values for this Keyword Type match the names of the status icons in the Document Tracking interface.

Configuring a Keyword Type to track the status of Document Tracking document allows you to:

  • Find all documents of a certain type, or many types, that match a given status by configuring a Custom Query, or through standard OnBase Document Retrieval.

  • Automatically display the status of a document by configuring the Keyword Type as an auto-display keyword.

  • Create reports based on the Keyword Type.

Before you configure the Document Status Keyword Type, create an Alphanumeric Keyword Type you can use for the Document Tracking status. Ensure this Keyword Type has been assigned to the Document Types being used for Document Tracking documents.

The Expiration Date Keyword Type allows users to base document expiration on a Keyword Value. When configuring a Document Tracking Folder Type, this Keyword Type can be used to configure when documents in the folder expire.


For more information on using Expiration Date Keyword Type to configure when documents expire, see Configuring Child Folder Types.

Before you configure the Expiration Date Keyword Type, create a Date or Date & Time Keyword Type that you can use for the expiration date. You can also use an existing Date or Date & Time Keyword Type. Ensure the Keyword Type you are using has been assigned to the Document Types being used for Document Tracking documents.


When using a Date & Time Keyword Type, only the date portion of the Keyword Value determines expiration.

The Notification Recipients Keyword Type allows the Document Tracking service to send notifications to recipients outside of OnBase when their email addresses are specified as Keyword Values.


For more information on configuring Document Tracking notifications, see the topic on configuring notifications in the Studio - Notifications chapter of the Document Tracking module reference guide.

Before you configure the Notification Recipients Keyword Type, create an Alphanumeric Keyword Type that you can use to store recipients' email addresses. Ensure the Keyword Type you are using has been added to the appropriate Document Tracking folders.

After creating and configuring the appropriate Keyword Types:

  1. Select Document | Document Tracking | Keyword Associations.

    The Document Tracking Keyword Type Association dialog box is displayed:

  2. To configure a Document Tracking Keyword Type for Document Status, select the Document Status System Keyword from the list.
  3. Click Edit.

    The Keyword Type Association dialog box is displayed.

  4. From the Associated Keyword Type drop-down list, select the alphanumeric Keyword Type you created for the document status. Only alphanumeric Keyword Types are displayed in the drop-down list.
  5. Click Save to return to the Document Tracking Keyword Type Association dialog box.
  6. To configure a Document Tracking Keyword Type for Expiration Date, select the Expiration Date System Keyword from the list.
  7. Click Edit.

    You cannot change the Keyword Type currently assigned to Expiration Date if one or more Document Types are configured to expire by Keyword Type. For more information on expiration methods, see Configuring Child Folder Types.

    The Keyword Type Association dialog box is displayed.

  8. From the Associated Keyword Type drop-down list, select the date Keyword Type you created for the expiration date. Only date Keyword Types are displayed in the drop-down list.
  9. Click Save to return to the Document Tracking Keyword Type Association dialog box.

    When a Keyword Type is associated with Expiration Date, the Keyword Type cannot be removed from Document Types configured to expire by Keyword Type. For more information on expiration methods, see Configuring Child Folder Types.

  10. To configure a Document Tracking Keyword Type for Notification Recipients, select the Notification Recipients System Keyword from the list.
  11. Click Edit.

    The Keyword Type Association dialog box is displayed.

  12. From the Associated Keyword Type drop-down list, select the alphanumeric Keyword Type you created for the notification recipients. Only alphanumeric Keyword Types are displayed in the drop-down list.
  13. Click Save to return to the Document Tracking Keyword Type Association dialog box.
  14. Click Close from the Document Tracking Keyword Association dialog box when complete.