Configuring Messages - Document Tracking - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Document Tracking

Document Tracking
Foundation 24.1

Users can add messages when they work with Document Tracking folders and documents. You can pre-configure messages, which users are then able to select from a drop-down list.

To configure a Document Tracking message:

  1. Select Document | Document Tracking | Messages.
  2. The Document Tracking Messages dialog box is displayed:
  3. If you are configuring Document Tracking for use with an institutional database and you are an institutional super user, the Institution list is displayed in the Document Tracking Messages dialog box. To create a Document Tracking message for a specific institution, select an institution from the Institution list. When <All> is selected, any Document Tracking messages you create will be duplicated for all institutions.
    If you are not configuring Document Tracking for use with an institutional database, or you are not an institutional super user, proceed to the next step.
  4. Select one of the following from the Message Type drop-down list:

    Message Type



    Select if the message is an exception message. Exception messages are available to users in the Exception window.


    Select if the message is an exclusion message. Exclusion messages are available to users in the Exclusion window.


    Select if the message is an interaction message. Interaction messages are available to users in the Document Tracking Note window.

  5. Type a name for the message in the text field.
  6. Click Create.
  7. The Document Tracking Message Settings dialog box is displayed:
  8. Type the text of the message in the Message Text field.
  9. If you are configuring an exception, the Makes Document Noncompliant option is available. Select this option to change a folder's Documentation Status to Noncompliant when the exception is applied to one of its documents.
  10. Click Save.
  11. The message you created is displayed in the Messages pane.

    The following information is included for each message:



    Message Title

    The name of the message.


    The institution to which the message applies.

  12. Click User Groups.

    The Document Tracking User Groups Configuration dialog box is displayed.

  13. Assign one or more User Groups to have access to the message by selecting them from the Available User Groups list and clicking Add. To remove User Groups from having access to the message, select them from the Selected User Groups list and click Remove.

To edit a message, select it and click Settings. Use the Message Type drop-down list to filter the messages that are available in the Document Tracking Messages dialog box.

To delete a message, select it and click Delete. You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the message.