When you create a child Folder Type for a Document Tracking parent Folder Type, it is automatically assigned the Document Tracking option on the Folder Type configuration dialog box's Settings tab. This is because Document Tracking child Folder Types cannot be used for other purposes. Up to two Document Tracking child Folder Types can be assigned to a single Document Tracking parent Folder Type. Document Tracking child Folder Types cannot have any child Folder Types.
To configure Child Folder Types of a Document Tracking parent Folder Type on the Folder Type configuration dialog box's Dynamic tab:
- Select a Document Type from the list of Available Document Types.
- Click Add.
- The Keywords dialog box is displayed.
- Select Keyword Types from the list of Available Keyword Types.
- Click Add.
- Click Save.
The Document Tracking
Settings dialog box is displayed:
If you are configuring Document Tracking for use with an institutional database and you are an institutional super user, the Institution drop-down list is displayed in the Document Tracking
Settings dialog box. To configure Document Tracking for a specific institution, select an institution from the Institution drop-down list. When <Default> is selected, the configured Document Tracking settings will be applied to Document Types that are not configured for a specific institution.
If you are not configuring Document Tracking for use with an institutional database, or are not an institutional super user, the Institution drop-down list is not displayed in the Document Tracking Settings dialog box. The Document Tracking settings configured in the Document Tracking Settings dialog box will be applied to your institution.
Configure the following Document Tracking
Select if this Document Type is optional.
Select if this Document Type is required.
Always show in interface
Select if this Document Type should always be shown in the Document Tracking interface.
Note:This check box is only available when Optional is selected. When this check box is not selected, documents from this Document Type are only displayed in the Document Tracking interface if the document exists in the Document Tracking folder.
Select if this Document Type is expected to be included in the Document Tracking folder.
Enter a number of days in the Days field. If a document from this Document Type is not included in the folder within the specified amount of days, the document is considered late in the Document Tracking interface.
Select to configure document expiration. Then, select one of the following options:
By Number of Days- To configure document expiration for certain number of days, type a number of days in the Days field.
By Keyword Value- Select this option to configure document expiration for the Keyword Value of the specified Expiration Date Keyword Type.
When this option is selected, the Keyword Type currently assigned to Expiration Date cannot be changed to another Keyword Type, and it cannot be removed from the Document Type.
Note:This option is only enabled after an Expiration Date Keyword Type has been configured and assigned to the Document Type. For more information on configuring the Expiration Date Keyword Type, see Configuring Keyword Types.
By Period- To configure document expiration for an end of calendar period, select one of the following from the corresponding drop-down list:
End of Month- Documents should expire at the end of the month.
End of Quarter- Documents should expire at the end of the quarter.
End of Half- Documents should expire at midyear.
End of Year- Documents should expire at the end of the year.
Annually by Date- To configure document expiration for a specific date in the following calendar year, select the month and day from the corresponding drop-down lists.
For example, say the year is 2014 and you specify July 4 as the expiration date. A document imported on June 20, 2014, would not expire until July 4, 2015.
Type a number of days in the Warning Period field to configure a warning period. This warning period indicates the number of days from the expiration date that the warning period will begin. For example, if the Warning Period is configured as 7, the warning period will begin 7 days before the document expires.
Note:Like required Document Types, optional Document Types can cause a Document Tracking folder to be noncompliant when configured for expiration.
If you are configuring Document Tracking for use with an institutional database and you are an institutional super user, click Apply to apply the settings to the selected institution. If necessary, repeat steps 8 through 10 to configure additional institutions.
If you are not configuring Document Tracking for use with an institutional database, or you are not an institutional super user, proceed to the next step.
- Click OK.
Repeat steps 1 through 11 to configure additional Document Types for the child Folder Type.
You can modify a configured Document Type by selecting it from the list of Selected Document Types and clicking Doc Tracking.
When you have finished adding Document Types, you can modify the order of the Document Types. The order in which Document Types are displayed in the list of Selected Document Types is the order in which Document Types are displayed to users in the Documents window.
To move a Document Type up in the sequence, select the Document Type and click Up. To move a Document Type down in the sequence, select the Document Type and click Down.