If a 404 error is returned from the OnBase application server when sending or receiving a package, make sure the maxAllowedContentLength setting in the web.config file of the application server is configured to allow files as big as the package you are processing.
The maxAllowedContentLength setting is specific to IIS 7.x deployments. This setting allows the application server to override an IIS 7.x security feature that prohibits requests over 30 million bytes (about 28.6 MB). This request filtering feature is enabled by default in IIS 7.x.
To allow users to process packages that exceed the default request limit, you must update the value of the allowed limit in the web.config file. If your system uses both the OnBase application server and web server, the maxAllowedContentLength must be updated in the web.config files of both servers.
The maxAllowedContentLength value is not exactly equal to the file size of the package because the request itself adds overhead to total size of the request. When setting this value, make sure you account for the system overhead and the package size.
To increase the maxAllowedContentLength setting:
When both servers are updated, the maxAllowedContentLength setting on the application server needs to be larger than that setting on the web server because the request sent to the application server from the web server is always larger than the request sent to the web server.
For example, when a file is sent from the web server to the application server, the request size increases due to encoding. The increase amount varies depending on whether the web server is using SOAP to communicate with the application server. Requests sent using SOAP are larger than requests sent using the remoting method.