Configuring an Export Package (Sending Site) - Document Transfer - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Document Transfer

Document Transfer
Foundation 24.1

In order to send packages of documents and/or metadata to another OnBase system, the sending site subscribes to the package request made by the receiving site by configuring Export Packages. The package is configured using the OnBase Configuration module.


Documents received in a package from one site cannot be included in a package to be sent by the receiving site to a third site. In other words, only original documents (created and maintained by the sending site) can be transferred to a receiving site.

  1. Log in to the Configuration module with a user that has sufficient configuration rights.
  2. From the Document menu, select Package Transfer | Export Packages. The Export Packages dialog is displayed.
  3. Click Import. The Import Configuration File dialog is displayed.
  4. Update the Remote Site Information. This is how your site will communicate with the receiving site. You must configure this to match how the receiving site said to communicate:
    • If the receiving site sent you a URL to its application server, select URL and enter the full path to their application server in the field provided (e.g., http://server-machine-name/AppServer/Service.asmx)

    • If the receiving site sent you an IP and port to use to connect to its application server, select IP Address and enter the IP Address(e.g., and Port in the fields provided.


      If you select IP Address, the OnBase application server at the receiving site must be installed at the default location (i.e., C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\AppServer\Service.asmx).

  5. Enter the unique Package ID sent to you by the receiving site in the field provided.

    It is a best practice to copy-and-paste the Package ID value, if possible, to ensure that the Package ID is input correctly. If the Package ID does not match what is configured at the receiving site, the package request cannot be retrieved.

  6. Click Retrieve. Once the package request has been successfully retrieved the Package Document Type Association dialog is displayed.

    The Document Types listed for the package match the Document Types requested in the package request and are the Document Types assigned to the requested documents in the receiving system. These Document Types have to be mapped to the corresponding Document Types in your system.

  7. Select a Document Type in the list and click Edit Association. The Package Document Type Selection dialog is displayed.
  8. Select the Document Type in your system that corresponds to the documents requested in the package request. The Document Type you select does not have to match the Document Type name of the receiving site.

    Document Transfer attempts to match Custom File Formats between systems based on the file extension. In order to successfully transfer documents configured with a Custom File Format, the same file extensions must be configured for Custom File Formats at all sites. If a match cannot be made based on file extension, the document is assigned to the default file type of the holding Document Type.

    To add a Document Type to the package, select it in the Available pane and click Add >>. The Document Type is moved to the Selected pane.

    To remove a Document Type from the package, select it in the Selected pane and click << Remove. The Document Type is moved to the Available pane.

  9. You must also map the Keyword Types on your Document Type to the corresponding Keyword Types at the receiving site.

    Select the Document Type you added in the Selected list and click Keywords. The Package Keyword Type Association dialog is displayed.

    The Keyword Types assigned to the Document Type at the receiving site are listed in the left pane. If the receiving site has configured a Keyword Type to be required an X is displayed in the Required column.


    You do not have to map all of the Keyword Types listed, but it is a best practice to map as many Keyword Types as possible to their corresponding Keyword Types in your system. This is to ensure that the documents and/or metadata you send are archived correctly at the receiving site. You must map all Required Keyword Types.

  10. Select a Keyword Type in the left pane. The Keyword Association Options are enabled. You can associate a requested Keyword Type to your system in one of four ways:



    Keyword Type From Associated Document

    Select this option to select the corresponding Keyword Type from the drop-down list. This list is populated with the Keyword Types assigned to the Document Type in your system that you mapped to the package.

    Default Value

    Select this option to select a system-generated Document Transfer Keyword Type from the drop-down list. This list is populated with the Keyword Types generated by the system for use with Document Transfer:

    • Document Date of Package Document(the Document Date of the document at the sending site).

    • User Name of Package Creator(the user name of the user who created the package at the Sending Site).

    Static Value

    Select this option to assign a static value to the Keyword Type, then enter the value to assign to that Keyword Type in the field provided. The value entered is applied to that Keyword Type for all documents of the configured Document Type sent in the package.

    DocPop URL

    Select this option for the system-generated DT - DocPop URL Keyword Type, if required, then select the URL to use from the drop-down list. This list is populated with all DocPop URLs configured for your system.


    It is a best practice to assign a DocPop URL to the DT - DocPop URL Keyword Type for metadata-only packages, even if this Keyword Type is not marked as Required. This ensures that packages include DocPop links to the actual documents in the sending site's system.


    You must click Apply after mapping each Keyword Type. Once a Keyword Type mapping has been applied, an X is displayed in the Mapped column in the left pane.

    To unmap a Keyword Type, select it in the left pane and click Unmap.

  11. Click Close at the Package Keyword Type Association dialog once you have mapped all of the requested Keyword Types.
  12. Repeat the mapping process for each Document Type listed in the Package Document Type Association dialog.
  13. Click Save at the Package Document Type Association dialog once you have mapped all of the requested Document Types. The Package Configuration dialog is displayed.
  14. Enter a Package Name in the field provided. This should be a unique name that allows users to quickly identify the package contents. This value is used as the Package Name in Package Configuration and also in the Document Transfer Processing Console.

    It is a best practice to include the name of the receiving site in the Package Name. For example, Packing Slips - Houston as differentiated from Packing Slips - Atlanta.

  15. Click OK.
  16. You must assign User Groups to the package in order to allow the package to be sent using the OnBase Client.

    At the Export Packages dialog, select the package you just created and click User Groups. The Assign Package to User Group dialog is displayed.

  17. Select the User Groups to assign to the package from the Available User Groups list, then click Add. The User Groups selected are moved to the Selected User Groups pane.

    To remove User Groups from the package, select them in the Selected User Groups pane and click Remove. The User Groups selected are moved to the Available User Groups pane.


    User Groups added to the package can create and send the package as long as they have been assigned the Document Transfer Administrative Processing Privilege (see Rights and Privileges).

  18. Click Close.