Configuring an Import Package (Receiving Site) - Document Transfer - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Document Transfer

Document Transfer
Foundation 24.1

In order to receive packages from another OnBase system, the receiving site must first request the documents it needs from the sending site by configuring an Import Package. The Import Package is configured using the OnBase Configuration module.


The package configuration is saved as an XML file in the database. The size limit for the XML file is 64,000 characters. If your package exceeds this limit a warning is displayed and you cannot save the package configuration. To resolve this issue, break the package up into two or more smaller packages that contain different Document Types.

  1. Log in to the Configuration module with a user that has sufficient configuration rights.
  2. From the Document menu, select Package Transfer | Import Packages. The Package Configuration dialog is displayed.
  3. Enter a name for the package in the field beneath the Package pane. This is used as the Package Name in Package Configuration and also in the Document Transfer Processing Console.
  4. Click Create. The Package Document Type Selection dialog is displayed.
  5. Select the Document Types that you would like included in the package. You can select one or more Document Types for the sending site to include. The Document Types you select do not have to match the Document Type names of the sending site.

    Document Transfer attempts to match Custom File Formats between systems based on the file extension. In order to successfully transfer documents configured with a Custom File Format, the same file extensions must be configured for Custom File Formats at all sites. If a match cannot be made based on file extension, the document is assigned to the default file type of the holding Document Type.

    To add a Document Type to the package, select it in the Available pane and click Add >>. The Document Type is moved to the Selected pane.

    To remove a Document Type from the package, select it in the Selected pane and click << Remove. The Document Type is moved to the Available pane.

  6. If the package must include documents of a certain Document Type, select that Document Type in the Selected pane and click Required. An X is displayed in the Required column for Document Types that are configured as required. Packages that do not include that Document Type cannot be sent from the sending site unless they contain documents for other, non-required Document Types. These packages will include only the documents for the non-required Document Types.
    To remove the required status, select a required Document Type and click the Required button. The X is removed from the Required column and that Document Type is no longer required for the package to be sent.
  7. Select a Document Type and click Keywords to configure the Keyword Types you would like included in the package for that Document Type. The Document Type Keyword Selection dialog is displayed.

    If the Document Type selected has not been assigned the Document Transfer system keywords, you are prompted to have them assigned by the system:

    • Click Yes to have the system assign the system-generated Keyword Types automatically:

      • >>Document Date

      • DT - DocPop URL

      • DT - Source Document ID

      • DT - Source Site ID

    • Click No to assign the Keyword Types yourself.


    It is a best practice to click Yes and use the system-generated Keyword Types. This ensures that packages can be received correctly from sending sites.


    The system-generated Keyword Types are added to the Document Type as hidden Keywords. Only users with the Access Restricted Keywords privilege are able to view hidden Keywords. If the system-generated Keywords are manually added to the Document Type, they should be configured as HID(hidden) Keywords in the Keyword Options dialog of the Document Type configuration. For more information on these topics, see the System Administration module reference guide.

  8. Select the Keyword Types that you would like included in the package for the selected Document Type. You can select one or more Keyword Types for the sending site to include. The Keyword Types you select do not have to match the Keyword Type names of the sending site.

    To add a Keyword Type to the package, select it in the left pane and click Add >>. The Keyword Type is moved to the right pane.

    To remove a Keyword Type from the package, select it in the right pane and click << Remove. The Keyword Type is moved to the left pane.

  9. If the package must include certain Keyword Types for the Document Type, select that Keyword Type in the right pane and click Required. An X is displayed in the Required column for Keyword Types that are configured as required. Packages that do not included that Keyword Type for that Document Type cannot be sent from the sending site.

    To remove the required status, select a required Keyword Type and click the Required button. The X is removed from the Required column and that Keyword Type is no longer required for that Document Type in order for the package to be sent.


    If a package will only include the metadata it is a best practice to include the DT - DocPop URL Keyword Type and set it to be Required. This ensures that packages cannot be sent that do not include DocPop links to the actual documents in the sending site's system.

  10. Click Close at the Document Type Keyword Selection dialog. Repeat the process to add Keyword Types for each of the Document Types selected for the package.
  11. Click Close at the Package Document Type Selection dialog.
  12. Select the new package in the Package Configuration dialog and click Settings. The Package Settings dialog is displayed.
  13. Select Document metadata only under Package Options if you only require the metadata for the documents and not the actual documents themselves.
    When the package is transferred, a placeholder HTML form is created that contains a DocPop link to the actual document at the sending site, unless the actual document has been transferred in another package. If the actual document already exists at the receiving site, a metadata only package updates the Keywords but does not create a placeholder document.
  14. Select a Placeholder Document from the drop-down list if you select Document metadata only. The list is populated by all documents archived under the SYS - HTML Forms Document Type.

    The placeholder document is the document that is displayed instead of the actual document if the package only contains metadata.


    A placeholder document is required for metadata-only packages. You must assign a placeholder document that includes the scripting necessary to display DocPop URLs.

  15. Click Save.
  16. Select the new package in the Package Configuration dialog and click Auto-Name. The Package Auto-Name dialog is displayed.
  17. Enter an autoname string in the Auto-Name String field. This is how the package is referred to in the processing dialogs once it has been received from the sending site. It is displayed in the Batch Name column of the Document Transfer Processing Console.

    The autoname string of a received package is truncated at 200 characters.

    Click the buttons at the right to include system-defined elements in the autoname string of the package.



    Space - Space

    Adds a dash with a space on each side. This element is designed to be used as a separator between the other elements.

    Date Received

    Adds the date the package was received by the receiving site. This is not necessarily the date the contents of the package were archived at either the sending or receiving sites.

    Package Configuration Name

    The Package Name, as set in the Package Configuration dialog when the import package was configured.

    Package Number

    The number assigned to the package by the system when it was received.

    Total Documents

    The number of documents included in the package, which is not necessarily the total number of pages in the package, since some documents may have multiple pages.

    Page Count

    The total number of pages for all of the documents included in the package.

    Sending Site Name

    The name of the sending site, as configured by the sending site under its Site Information.

    Remote Queue ID

    The system-generated ID number (Package Number) of the package at the sending site. This element is useful when trying to troubleshoot a package with a sending site.


    For quick reference and troubleshooting purposes, it is a best practice to include the Package Configuration Name, Date Received, Sending Site Name, and Remote Queue ID elements in the autoname string. For example, %P received on %D from %S (remote ID %Q).

    Click Clear to clear the current contents of the Auto-Name String field.

  18. Click Save.
  19. Click Update at the Package Configuration dialog when the package request is ready.
  20. Click Clear to deselect all packages in the list so you can begin configuring a new package, or right click the package you created and select Copy Package ID to copy the unique ID of the package to the clipboard.
    This value is required to publish the package request and allow other sites, that contain the documents you want to replicate, to subscribe to it and send you the documents based on the configuration of the package.
  21. Click Close and continue to Publishing a Package Request to Sending Sites.