Managing Sending Sites (Sites Subscribed to the Package Request) - Document Transfer - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Document Transfer

Document Transfer
Foundation 24.1

You can view the sites that are currently subscribed to the package, meaning they can send packages to your system based on the package configuration, and can delete sites from the subscription list.

To view the sites subscribed to a package request:

  1. Log in to the Configuration module with a user that has sufficient configuration rights.
  2. From the Document menu, select Package Transfer | Import Packages. The Package Configuration dialog is displayed.
  3. Select the package in the Package list and click Sites. The Sites dialog is displayed.
  4. Select a Site from the list and click View. The Site Information dialog is displayed and shows the Site Information for the site selected, as configured by the sending site. This information cannot be edited except by the sending site.

    To delete a site, select it from the Site list and click Delete. You are prompted to confirm this action.


    Sites that are deleted will no longer send packages to your site. The sending site must resubscribe to the package request in order for you to receive packages from it.