Creating a Scheduled Process Format - Document Transfer - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Document Transfer

Document Transfer
Foundation 24.1

The staging of Export Packages (packages to send) and the indexing of documents in packages received are scheduled from the OnBase Client by configuring a Process Format for the Document Transfer Processor.


Package transfers can also be scheduled, but Package Transmission schedules are configured using the OnBase Configuration module. See the Configuration chapter of the Document Transfer module reference guide for details.

To configure a Process Format:

Select Package Processor from the Processing menu. The Package Receiver dialog box is displayed.

Right-click Document Transfer Processor in the right-hand pane.

The right-hand pane of the Package Receiver dialog box. "Document Transfer Processor" is selected, and "Schedule Format" is highlighted.

Select Schedule Format to schedule the Document Transfer Processor to run.

At the sending site, packages are staged when the processor is run. At the receiving site, the documents in any received packages are indexed and archived into the receiving system when the processor is run, based on the configuration of the package.

The Schedule Management window is displayed.

Schedule Management window.

A new Process Format is added to the Scheduled Items box. It is automatically selected.

By default, all scheduled Process Formats (e.g., COLD Process Formats, DIP Process Formats, etc.) are displayed in the Scheduled Items box when scheduling a new Process Format. For information on viewing only the Process Formats for the currently-selected process type, see Viewing Scheduled Processes.