Processing Options - Document Transfer - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Document Transfer

Document Transfer
Foundation 24.1

After the Schedule Options are configured on the Schedule Configuration tab, you must configure the Processing Options.

To configure processing options:

  1. From the Process Scheduling tab of the Schedule Management window, click the Processing Options tab to display the Processing Options.

    This tab is only available if a single process is selected. If multiple processes are selected, the Processing Options tab is disabled.

    Schedule Management window with the Process Scheduling tab selected and the Processing Options tab displayed.
  2. Set the following Processing Options:



    Processing Precondition

    The Processing Precondition options allow you to specify the conditions that must be met before processing can begin.


    These options are not available for scheduled PDF conversions, Advanced Capture processes, Full-Text OCR processes or scheduled commits.

    • None. If this option is selected, no processing precondition is necessary.

    • Files Idle For at Least 1 Minute. Select to indicate that processing must begin after the file indicated in the Default File Name of the processing format has been idle for at least one minute.

    • Require Specific Semaphore. Select to indicate that processing must begin after a trigger file is detected. The trigger file can be any file type/size/label and can be written to any location on the network. OnBase will only begin processing the processing file indicated in the Default File Name of the process format after the trigger file has been detected.

      How processing is triggered (definition of the file location and/or time variable) is defined by a semaphore. A semaphore is a technique for coordinating or synchronizing polling activity. A maximum of 255 characters can be entered in this field.

      The trigger file is deleted after processing.


    If the trigger file is being accessed over FTP, it will not be deleted.

    Processing Precondition (cont.)

    • Require Same File in a .\POLL Folder.

      Select to indicate that processing must begin after a POLL file has been written to a specifically-configured POLL folder.

      The POLL file must appear in a folder labeled POLL, and the POLL folder must be created as a subfolder of the Default Directory of the process format. The name of the POLL file must be exactly identical to the name of the file to be processed.

      The value in the Default File Name field will be used to locate the POLL file. When OnBase locates the POLL file, the processor will attempt to process any file with that same name in the Default Directory.

      For example: The Default File Name is *.txt, and the Default Directory is C:\ProcessFiles. The file to be processed is stored in this directory. For this example, the file is named pf11x74.txt.

      The POLL file should be placed in C:\ProcessFiles\POLL, and named exactly the same as the process file (pf11x74.txt).

      OnBase will search C:\ProcessFiles\POLL for a file that matches the Default File Name of *.txt. Upon finding the pf11x74.txt file, the processor will return to the C:\ProcessFiles directory and search for the file named pf11x74.txt. This is the file that will be processed.

      The POLL file is deleted after processing.


    This option is not supported for use with the Directory Import Processor.

    Residual File Post-Processing

    The Residual File Post-Processing options allow you to specify how the processor will handle files that are left in the original folder after the import process has been run.

    • Leave in Source Directory. Select to leave processed read-only files in the folder they originated in.

    • Move to ..\PROCESSED Directory. Select to move all processed files, regardless of read-only status, to the OnBase-generated PROCESSED folder located in the same folder the read-only files were originally in.


      Depending on your system's configuration, processed files may be automatically deleted after an import process is run. In this situation, the processed files will not be moved to the PROCESSED folder because they have already been deleted from the folder they originated from. This behavior can be avoided by modifying the configuration of your import processor, or by marking the files to be processed as read-only.

    • Delete. Select to delete the read-only files from the folder they originated in.

    Miscellaneous Options

    The Miscellaneous Options options allow you to specify special scheduling options. Not all options are available for all processes.

    • One Batch per File. Select to process each index file as one batch when multiple index files are being processed at once.


      This option is not supported for use with the Directory Import Processor.

    • Report if No Files Found. Select to create a Verification Report if no files are found when a scheduled job is run.

  3. When you are finished configuring the Process Options, click Apply.