Notifications - Document Transfer - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Document Transfer

Document Transfer
Foundation 24.1

You can configure the OnBase Client to send e-mail notifications to users as packages enter any of the Document Transfer processing queues.

To configure a notification:

  1. Select Document Transfer | Notifications from the Processing menu of the OnBase Client. The Document Transfer Notifications dialog is displayed.
  2. Select the Queue Type to configure a notification for from the drop-down list. When a package enters the queue selected, a notification is sent to the recipients configured.
  3. Enter a name for a new notification in the field beneath the Notifications pane and click Create. The new notification is added to the Notifications list.
  4. Select the notification to edit and click Settings. The Notification Configuration dialog is displayed.
  5. Enter a Subject for the notification in the field provided. This will be the subject of the e-mail sent.

    The Subject length for internal mail notifications is limited to 100 characters.

  6. Enter a Message for the notification in the field provided. This will be the message body of the e-mail sent.

    The Message length for internal mail notifications is limited to 250 characters.

    The following variables can be used in both the Subject and Message fields. Variables can be typed in manually or can be entered by clicking the corresponding button.

    Button / Description


    Space - Space: Inserts a hyphen with a space on each side of it.


    Process Date: The date the package was processed.


    Batch Name: The name of the batch in the Document Transfer Processing Console.


    Batch Number: The system-assigned number of the batch.


    Package Name: The name of the package, as configured at the site sending the notifications.


    Package Type Name: The type of package this is.


    Package Status: The current status queue that the package is in.


    Destination Site: The Site Information name of the site the package is being sent to.


    Total Documents: The number of documents included in the package, which is not necessarily the total number of pages in the package, since some documents may have multiple pages



    The letter O, not the numeral zero.

    Total Pages: The total number of pages for all of the documents included in the package.


    User Name: The OnBase user name of the user who created the package.


    Transfer Warnings: Include warnings about package transfers in the notification.


  7. Click Recipients. The Recipients dialog is displayed.
  8. To edit an existing recipient, select it in the Recipient Name list and click Settings.

    To add a new recipient, click Add.

    The Recipient Configuration dialog is displayed.

  9. Select a Recipient Type:
    • User Group: The notification is sent to all users who are members of the selected User Group. Select the User Group from the drop-down list.

    • User: The notification is sent to the specific user selected. Select the user from the drop-down list.

    • Address: Enter a specific e-mail address in the field provided. Notifications are sent to the e-mail address entered.

  10. Select a Mail Type:
    • Internal mail: Send the notification to the OnBase internal mail account of the selected users.


      The Subject length for internal mail notifications is limited to 100 characters and the Message body length is limited to 250 characters.

    • External mail: Send the notification to the User's E-Mail addresses as configured for the selected users in the User Settings dialog of the OnBase Configuration module.


      In order to send External mail notifications, your system must be configured to use the OnBase Distribution Service. Contact your solution provider if you are unable to send external notifications.

    • Both Internal and External: Send the notification to both the OnBase internal mail accounts and the configured User's E-Mail addresses for the selected users.


    The Mail Type options are unavailable if Address is selected as the Recipient Type.

  11. Click Save.

    The OnBase application server must be reset in order for newly configured Notifications to take effect.