Ad Hoc Package Retrieval and Indexing - Document Transfer - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Document Transfer

Document Transfer
Foundation 24.1

Ad Hoc Package Retrievals are initiated using the OnBase Client of the receiving site. They can be initiated on packages that also have a scheduled Package Transmission configured without affecting the schedule.

The client workstation initiating an Ad Hoc Package Retrieval does not need the Hyland Document Transfer Service Broker installed and running on the local workstation. As long as the broker is installed in the environment and running against the retrieving database, Ad Hoc Package Retrieval can be performed from any workstation using the same database.

To initiate an Ad Hoc Package Retrieval:

  1. Select Document Transfer | Ad-Hoc Package Retrieval from the Processing menu of the OnBase Client. The Ad-Hoc Package Retrieval dialog is displayed.
  2. Select the package to retrieve from the Package Configuration drop-down list.
  3. From the Sites drop-down list, select the site from which to retrieve the package. This list is populated with the sites that are subscribed to the package selected.
  4. Click Retrieve Package List. The lower pane of the Ad-Hoc Package Retrieval dialog list is populated with the packages available for retrieval.
  5. Select one or more packages in the list and click Transfer Packages to initiate the package transfer.

    When retrieving multiple packages using Ad-Hoc Package Retrieval there is no way to set the order in which the packages are retrieved. If different packages contain different versions of the same document and/or its indexed values, this could result in older versions replacing the newer versions. For this reason, it is a best practice to perform Ad Hoc Package Retrievals one package at a time so that you can ensure they are received and archived in the correct order.

  6. Click OK at the Package Transfer Initiated dialog.

    Sending and receiving sites may experience slower system performance during package transfers, depending on the size of the package and the amount of system resources available at the time of the transmission. Receiving sites should coordinate package retrievals with the sending site before initiating the process to ensure minimal performance issues during the package transfer process.

  7. Click Close on the Ad-Hoc Package Retrieval dialog when all the packages you want to retrieve have been queued.
  8. Select Document Transfer | Processing Console from the Processing menu of the OnBase Client. The Document Transfer Processing Console dialog is displayed.
  9. Right click Document Transfer Processor in the right hand pane and select Document Transfer Processor.

    The Package Processor dialog is displayed.


    The options in the Package Processor dialog are for use by other import processors only and are not available to Document Transfer processes. The configuration of these options has no effect on Document Transfer processes.

  10. Click Process. The documents in the package are archived into the system by being classified into Document Types and indexed based on the configuration of the package. If a package cannot be archived, it is added to the Failed queue (see Tracking Packages Received (Import Packages)).

    When a package is processed and the documents are archived and indexed, all Keyword and page information on existing copies of the documents in the receiving system, that are also included in the package, is overwritten with the information for those documents contained in the package.

    A verification report of the actions performed by the Document Transfer Processor is archived at the receiving site under SYS - Verification Reports.