Limitations When Mapping Form Fields to Keyword Types - E-Forms - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

The following limitations apply when mapping form fields to Keyword Types:

  • The E-Forms module does not support mapping Keyword Types that belong to Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups to radio buttons. Keyword Types belonging to Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups can be mapped to text boxes, scrolling text boxes, or multiple select boxes. There is limited support for mapping Keyword Types that belong to a Multiple Instance Keyword Type Group to check boxes. Keyword Types that belong to a Multiple Instance Keyword Type Group that are mapped to multiple check boxes on an E-Form must be configured with the same value within the HTML code. The value assigned will determine whether the check box is selected or deselected. For example, if the value used is “on,” the check box will only be selected when the Keyword Type value is “on”. All other Keyword Type values will leave the check box deselected.

  • When using standard Keyword Type Groups, using check boxes to allow multiple values to be selected for a single Keyword Type within the Keyword Type Group is not supported. If you need to provide the possible options that a user can select, radio buttons or single select lists can be used.

  • Configuring Keyword Types on a form that are not assigned to the Document Type the E-Form belongs to is not supported.

  • To stay within the maximum number of characters allowed for a Keyword value and avoid truncated values, you should either implement a maxlength attribute on the input field corresponding to the maximum Keyword length or use JavaScript to check if the field value length is greater than the maximum length of the associated Keyword and display a message if the value is going to be truncated.

  • In the Core-based interfaces, Keywords with underscore characters ( _ ) are treated as spaces. This has implications for filtering. If a system contains two Keywords configured as Keyword A and Keyword_A, both of them would be mapped as Keyword_A. If both Keywords are configured on a filter, the system will choose one randomly to filter with.

    In the OnBase Client, the underscore character ( _ ) is reserved for HTML. If a Keyword Type name contains an underscore, it must be mapped as a Keyword Type Number.

  • When importing HTML documents into the system to be stored as a Document Type (not using them as E-Forms), be aware of fields mapped to OBKey formats. Form objects containing OBKey formats are controlled by Keyword values. This means that HTML documents with fields controlled by OBKey will reflect the currently assigned keyword value. However, changes to these fields will not persist to the underlying keyword value in the Unity or Web Client like they would when saving or submitting an E-Form.

    For example, if an HTML document has an Account Number field and a Save button, entering an account number and clicking Save will not record the entered number.

    Note that the OnBase Client is an exception. Keyword values will persist when saving or submitting an HTML document.

  • Each field within an E-Form must have one unique Keyword Type assigned to each field if using a Keyword Type Group. Multiple instances of the same Keyword Type are not supported in E-Forms for Keyword Type Groups.