The following specialized buttons can be used on an E-Form.
The following limitations apply when working with buttons on E-Forms:
These tags are supported only for E-Forms and HTML Form custom queries. Using these tags in standard HTML documents stored in OnBase is not supported and yields unexpected results.
Any codes used to map Keywords, including the Keyword name itself, are not case sensitive.
Button |
Description |
OBBtn_CrossReference |
This button type causes a properly configured cross-reference to execute. A keyword cross-reference must be set up between the E-Form and the related document. This button must be type=submit. Example HTML text is shown below. Quotes ("") are optional. Button Text represents the text that is displayed on the E-Form button. Replace Button Text with the actual text to display. <input type="submit" value="Button Text" name="OBBtn_CrossReference"> The following limitations apply when working with this button type:
OBBtn_KS### (Where ### represents an AutoFill Keyword set number) |
This button type causes the specified Keyword set on the E-Form to be expanded upon E-Form creation when an AutoFill Keyword Set is properly configured and populated. This button must be type=submit. Once an E-Form is submitted, this button does not function and the OBBtn_ExpandKS### button must be used to expand a new AutoFill Keyword Set. When a primary Keyword is entered on the form and the OBBtn_KS### button is clicked, the corresponding Keyword values for the specified Keyword set are filled in on the form. For example, clicking a button mapped as OBBtn_KS101 populates the Keyword fields on the form that are members of the AutoFill Keyword Set 101. A number in the database identifies each AutoFill keyword set. By default, this number is displayed in the upper right corner of the AutoFill Keywords Configuration dialog box. To view the number associated with an AutoFill Keyword set, select the Keywords drop-down menu in the Configuration module, select AutoFill Keyword Sets, and click to identify the AutoFill Keyword set. The number is displayed in the upper right hand corner of the dialog box. Example HTML text is shown below. Quotes ("") are optional. Button Text represents the text that is displayed on the E-Form button. Replace Button Text with the actual text to display. <input type="submit" value="Button Text" name=" OBBtn_KS###"> Note:
Null Keyword Values can exist in an AutoFill Keyword set, resulting in null Keyword Values on the E-Form. Existing Keyword Values on the E-form are emptied when the OBBtn_KS### button is pressed and values are replaced by those in the AutoFill keyword set. Note:
The primary Keyword Type of the AutoFill Keyword Set should not be of the date format if this button resides in an E-Form to be used in the Web Client. |
OBBtn_KS### (Where ### represents an AutoFill Keyword set number) [cont.] |
When using this button in conjunction with Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups, pressing this button opens the Select Keyset dialog box and allows the user to select one instance of the MIKG to expand for the AutoFill Keyword Set in which the primary AutoFill Keyword Set value has been entered. Note:
Despite the AutoFill Keyword Set configuration, only a single instance of an AutoFill Keyword Set may be selected for an E-Form unless Multiple Instance Keyword Type Groups are used on the E-Form. Note:
This button will not function when used in conjunction with the following Workflow actions: Display HTML Form and Display E-Form for Input. CAUTION:
Expanding AutoFill Keyword Sets will fill Keyword Types configured as read-only even if the user does not have the Access Restricted Keywords privilege. CAUTION:
Users without the Access Restricted Keywords privilege cannot submit E-Forms that include read-only keywords. CAUTION:
In the Web Client, OBBtn_KS### and OBBtn_ExpandKS### buttons will not populate Keyword Types that are part of an AutoFill Keyword Set but not displayed on an E-Form. Use these buttons with caution when implementing a solution that involves hidden keywords or Workflow status keywords. Note:
When this button is used on an E-Form that is read-only, it will be disabled. E-Forms become read-only when a digital signature is applied to them. CAUTION:
This button is not supported in the Workflow module. |
OBBtn_ExpandKS### (Where ### represents an AutoFill Keyword set number) |
This button type populates an AutoFill based on a primary value on a new or existing E-Form. If an AutoFill was already expanded, on an E-Form, this button will replace the current secondary values with new values associated with the new AutoFill primary value. This button must be type=submit. When a primary keyword is entered on the form and the OBBtn_ExpandKS### button is pushed, the corresponding Keyword Values for the specified keyword set are filled in on the form. For example, pressing a button mapped as OBBtn_ExpandKS101 populates the keyword fields on the form that are members of the AutoFill Keyword set 101. A number in the database identifies each AutoFill Keyword set. By default, this number is displayed in the upper right corner of the AutoFill Keywords Sets Configuration dialog box. To view the number associated with an AutoFill Keyword set, select the Keywords drop-down menu in the Configuration module, select AutoFill Keyword Sets, and click on the AutoFill Keyword Set. The number is displayed in the upper right hand corner of the dialog box. Example HTML text is shown below. Quotes ("") are optional. Button Text represents the text that is displayed on the E-Form button. Replace Button Text with the actual text to display. <input type="submit" value="Button Text" name="OBBtn_ExpandKS###"> Note:
Null Keyword Values can exist in an AutoFill Keyword set, resulting in null Keyword Values on the E-Form. Existing Keyword Values on the E-Form are emptied when the OBBtn_ExpandKS### button is pressed and values are replaced by those in the AutoFill Keyword Set. Note:
The primary Keyword Type of the AutoFill Keyword Set should not be of the date format if this button resides in an E-Form to be used in the Web Client. Note:
Despite the AutoFill Keyword Set configuration, only a single instance of an AutoFill Keyword Set may be selected for an E-Form unless Multiple Instance Keyword Type Groups are used on the E-Form. Note:
This button will not function when used in conjunction with the following Workflow actions: Display HTML Form and Display E-Form for Input. |
OBBtn_ExpandKS### (Where ### represents an AutoFill Keyword set number) [cont.] |
When using OBBtn_ExpandKS###, the keywords that are updated on the E-Form will not be updated in the database until the form is submitted. If expanded keywords on the form are modified using the Add/Remove Keywords dialog box, and the form is not saved, the form will only reflect the changes made in the dialog box. When the E-Form is saved, it will reflect the expansion as well as the changes made using the dialog box. CAUTION:
In the Web Client, OBBtn_KS### and OBBtn_ExpandKS### buttons will not populate Keyword Types that are part of an AutoFill Keyword Set but not displayed on an E-Form. Use these buttons with caution when implementing a solution that involves hidden keywords or Workflow status keywords. CAUTION:
This button is not supported for the Display HTML Form Workflow action. CAUTION:
Expanding AutoFill Keyword Sets will fill Keyword Types configured as read-only even if the user does not have the Access Restricted Keywords privilege. Note:
When this button is used on an E-Form that is read-only, it will be disabled. E-Forms become read-only when a digital signature is applied to them. |
OBBtn_Yes or OBBtn_Save |
Saves information to the database. A new document is created and Keyword Values on the form are saved to the database. This button must be type=submit. If the document is configured with file format Virtual Electronic Form, nothing is saved to the Disk Group. If the document is configured with file format Electronic Form, a file for the document is saved to the Document Type's default Disk Group. This file contains values for all fields on the form, including a duplicate set of the Keyword Values stored to the database. Example HTML text is shown below. Quotes ("") are optional. Button Text represents the text that is displayed on the E-Form button. Replace Button Text with the actual text to display. <input type= "submit" value="Button Text" name="OBBtn_Yes"> <input type="submit" value="Button Text" name="OBBtn_Save"> If you are using the Unity client and you want users to have access to the Save and Save and Close buttons in the Electronic Form ribbon, a OBBtn_Yes or a OBBtn_Save button must be configured on the form. Note:
When using OBBtn_Save in the Web Client, a value for the value attribute must be specified. A single space can be used as the value. |
OBBtn_SaveAndClose |
Saves information to the database. A new document is created and Keyword Values on the form are saved to the database. Once saved, the E-Form will close. This button must be type=submit. If the document is configured with file format Virtual Electronic Form nothing is saved to the Disk Group. If the document is configured with file format Electronic Form a file for the document is saved to the Document Type's default Disk Group. This file contains values for all fields on the form, including a duplicate set of the Keyword Values stored to the database. Example HTML text is shown below. Quotes ("") are optional. Button Text represents the text that is displayed on the E-Form button. Replace Button Text with the actual text to display. <input type= "submit" value="Button Text" name="OBBtn_SaveAndClose"> When this button is used in Workflow, it will function exactly as the OBBtn_Yes and OBBtn_Save buttons function. |
OBBtn_SaveNoClose |
Saves information that has been entered into an E-Form without closing the form. The E-Form is automatically saved as a revision if the Document Type is revisable. Additional changes can then be made to the E-Form. This button is useful to implement on long forms, when entering data might be a time-consuming task. Example HTML text is shown below. Quotes ("") are optional. Button Text represents the text that is displayed on the E-Form button. Replace Button Text with the actual text to display. <input type= "submit" value="Button Text" name="OBBtn_SaveNoClose"> Note:
For the E-Form to be saved as a revision, an EDM Services license is required. Note:
This button has the same functionality as OBBtn_Save when used in a Workflow ad hoc task. Note:
When used in HTML Custom Queries, this button will function similarly to OBBtn_Yes and OBBtn_Save. The Custom Query window will close and the results of the query will be displayed. |
OBBtn_No |
This button is for use with Workflow. The functionality of this button only occurs in the Workflow window. Outside of Workflow the button has no special functionality. In Workflow, when this button is clicked, the E-Form is removed from the user interaction window and the task list continues. This button does not cancel the rest of a task list. Clicking this button sets the Check Last Execution Result rule to False. The button refreshes the currently displayed E-Form without saving it. During the refresh, the keyword values on the form are not saved to the database. This button must be type=submit. Example HTML text is shown below. Quotes ("") are optional. Button Text represents the text that is displayed on the E-Form button. Replace Button Text with the actual text to display. <input type= "submit" value="Button Text" name="OBBtn_No"> Note:
See the Workflow documentation for more information about this button's functionality in Workflow. |
OBBtn_Cancel |
When clicked, this button will close the E-Form and any data values entered on the form will not be saved. When an E-Form is used in Workflow and a button of type=submit has the value OBBtn_Cancel, when clicked, the form is not submitted, the Last Execution Result is set to False, and the entire task is aborted. When an E-Form is used in Workflow and a button of type=submit has the value OBBtn_No, when clicked, the form is not submitted, the Last Execution Result is set to False, but the Task is not aborted. Example HTML text is shown below. Quotes ("") are optional. Button Text represents the text that is displayed on the E-Form button. Replace Button Text with the actual text to display. Any Value represents any entered text. <input type="submit" value="Button Text" name="OBBtn_Cancel"> Note:
See the Workflow documentation for more information about this button's functionality in Workflow. If you are using the Unity client and you want users to have access to the Cancel button in the Electronic Form ribbon, a OBBtn_Cancel button must be configured on the form. Note:
When this button is used on an E-Form that is read-only, it will be disabled. E-Forms become read-only when a digital signature is applied to them. |
OBBtn_xRefItemnum |
Retrieve a document based on the document handle value associated with the document. The keyword in the database must be named xRefItemnum. The text box used for entering the document handle value should be named "OBKey_xRefItemnum_1". The button used for retrieving the documents based on handle value must be named "OBBtn_xRefItemnum". Example HTML text is shown below. Quotes ("") are optional. Button Text represents the text that is displayed on the E-Form button. Replace Button Text with the actual text to display. <INPUT type=submit value="Button Text" name="OBBtn_xRefItemnum"> The form must be submitted after the document handle value is entered in the text box. OBBtn_xRefItemnum can be used to retrieve the document only after the form has been submitted. CAUTION:
When using the Unity Client or the Integration for Microsoft Outlook, in order to use this feature, user groups must have the Retrieve by Document Handle/File Name product right granted in the Configuration module. |
OBBtn_AutoSave |
This button functions in two ways:
New AutoFill Keyword Sets are not created when used in Core-based Clients. At least one AutoFill Keyword Set must be defined on the form. (See qhf1646179755101.html#qhf1646179755101__table_1152985.) If an AutoFill keyword set is assigned to the Document Type, the assigned keyword set is the one to which values are added. If no keyword set is assigned to the Document Type, the system searches all document keywords for keyword set primary keys. If a keyword set primary key is found and the rest of the associated keyword set Keyword Types are assigned to the Document Type, a new keyword set will be created. Example HTML text is shown below. <INPUT type=submit value=AutoSave name=OBBtn_AutoSave> Note:
When this button is used on an E-Form that is read-only, it will be disabled. E-Forms become read-only when a digital signature is applied to them. |
OBBtn_CQ## |
Multiple Custom Queries can be run from an E-Form. Buttons must be of type=submit and named OBBtn_CQ##, where ## represents the Custom Query Number (e.g. OBBtn_CQ101 executes the 101 Custom Query). The Custom Query Number is displayed by default in the upper right-hand corner of the Custom Query Configuration dialog, as shown below. If the Custom Query is a Keyword Type query, the Custom Query will use the Keyword Values populated on the E-Form. Example HTML text is shown below. Quotes ("") are optional. Button Text represents the text that displays on the E-Form button. Replace Button Text with the actual text to display. <input type="submit" value="Button Text" name=" OBBtn_CQ##"> Note:
This button type only functions after a form has been submitted in all supported interfaces except the Unity Client. The Unity Client allows you to use this button before E-Form submission. Note:
If this button is used on a disabled E-Form field (i.e., a field on a digitally-signed E-Form), no documents will be returned. This button will return documents when used on a read-only E-Form field. An example of a read-only E-Form field is on an E-Form that a user does not have Modify rights to, or whose previous revision was read-only. |
QueryStopUnload |
This is a hidden field that will force a user to click a submit button to exit the E-Form when they attempt to close out of a modified E-Form using the X button. The field must use the following syntax: <input type="hidden" name="QueryStopUnload"> CAUTION:
If users close the Client before submitting the form with this field configured for the form, the form will not be saved successfully. CAUTION:
This field is not supported in the Web Client. |
Reset Buttons |
Description |
Type = reset |
Any button of the type= Reset will clear all changes made to the form fields and restores the form fields to their previously saved values. The E-Form remains open. This button can be named anything. Note:
Once an AutoFill Keyword Set is initiated, the reset button will not clear the values that populated the fields based on the AutoFill Keyword Set values. Example HTML text is shown below. Quotes (" ") are optional. Button Text represents the text that is displayed on the E-Form button. Replace Button Text with the actual text to display. Any Value represents any entered text. <input type="reset" value="Button Text" name="Any Value"> If you are using a reset button in conjunction with the Unity client and you want users to have access to the Reset button in the Electronic Form ribbon, the name of the button must equal OBBtn_Reset. |
Type = Submit |
Any button of type =submit button that does not have a name= value of any of the OBBtn options described above should be named name =OBBtn_Cancel. |