Form fields can be added to a form. Form fields are individual fields on a form that are used to gather information. Some examples are explained below.
In a non-E-Form HTML document, unmapped information contained in form fields cannot be modified or deleted. Unlike form fields mapped to a keyword type using the OBKey convention, if the unmapped form field is changed, the information contained in the field when it was imported into OnBase will populate the field when it is reloaded.
Form Field |
Description |
One-line text box |
Use one-line text boxes to collect a small amount of text, such as a name or number. |
Radio Button |
Use radio buttons when only one option should be selected from a group. Note:
A Keyword Type that uses a radio group can only appear once per E-Form. When using radio buttons with date values, the "value" tags needs to be the normalized format of the date ("YYYY-MM-DD" for date and "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" for date and time). The following is an example: <input type="radio" name="OBKey_EFormDropDownDate_1" value="2010-01-10" />01/10/2010 <input type="radio" name="OBKey_EFormDropDownDate_1" value="2010-02-22" />02/22/2010 <input type="radio" name="OBKey_EFormDropDownDate_1" value="2010-03-30" />03/30/2010 <input type="radio" name="OBKey_EFormDropDownDate_1" value="2010-04-14" />04/14/2010 |
Scrolling Text Box |
Use scrolling text boxes to collect one or more lines of text, such as a comment. This field scrolls to accommodate varying amounts of text. Note:
This form field type should be used in non-keyword fields used for commenting on an E-Form. If this field is mapped to a Keyword Type, line breaks entered in the fields will be converted to 2 space characters before being saved to the database. |
Drop-down Menu |
Use a drop-down menu to present a list of choices. One or multiple selections can be configured for drop down menus. When using a drop-down list with date values, the "value" tags needs to be the normalized format of the date ("YYYY-MM-DD" for date and "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" for date and time). The following is an example: <select size="1" name="OBKey_EFormDropDownDate_1"> <option value="2010-01-10">01/10/2010</option> <option value="2010-02-22">02/22/2010</option> <option value="2010-03-30">03/30/2010</option> <option value="2010-04-14">04/14/2010</option> </select> |
Multiple Select List |
Use a multiple select list to present a list of values. You can select multiple values within the list. Note:
The Unity API does not support multiple select list fields on E-Forms. E-Forms containing a multiple select list keyword processed by Unity will not lose data; however, Unity will only evaluate the first value selected in the multiple select list field. |
Check Box |
Use check boxes for optional items. The E-Form user can select and clear multiple check boxes. The following is an example of a check box field: <input type="checkbox" name="OBKey_checkbox_1" value="check box 1"/>Check Box 1 The check box can be defaulted to be checked by appending "checked" to the end of the tag. For example: <input type="checkbox" name="OBKey_checkbox_1" value="check box 1" checked/> Note:
The value="" tag is a required entry for check boxes to function properly. When a check box is selected on a system form, the value associated with that check box in the HTML code is stored as a system property or Keyword Value. Documents can be searched for and retrieved based on the value stored. CAUTION:
When mapping check boxes to Keyword Types, you must always use unique occurrence numbers for each check box field. For example, one check box would be mapped to OBKey__110_1. The next check box would need to be mapped to OBKey__110_2, and so on. CAUTION:
When mapping check boxes to a Keyword Type within a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, only one check box can be mapped to a single Keyword Type for each instance of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group because there cannot be multiple values for the same Keyword Type within the same Keyword Type Group instance. When using check boxes with date values, the "value" tags needs to be the normalized format of the date ("YYYY-MM-DD" for date and "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" for date and time). The following is an example: <input type="checkbox" name="OBKey_checkboxdate_1" value="2010-01-10" />01/10/2010 <input type="checkbox" name="OBKey_checkboxdate_2" value="2010-02-22" />02/22/2010 <input type="checkbox" name="OBKey_checkboxdate_3" value="2010-03-30" />03/30/2010 <input type="checkbox" name="OBKey_checkboxdate_4" value="2010-04-14" />04/14/2010 |
Date Picker |
Use date pickers to allow the E-Form user to enter or select a date or date and time value. Note:
Date picker form fields are only supported when the rendering browser is set to chromium. For more information, see the section on configuring the Unity Client configuration file in the Unity Client module reference guide. The following input types are available:
Push Button |
Use push buttons to:
When using a button element, a type must be specified. For example: <button name="OBBtn_Save" value= " " type="submit"> Note:
When using a button element in the Web Client, a value for the value attribute must be specified. A single space can be used as the value. |
When configuring fields on an E-Form that are not mapped to Keyword Types, name attributes for fields cannot contain spaces.