Creating E-Forms - E-Forms - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

E-Forms are forms that you complete and submit to the system electronically. E-Forms can be set up to support any business or organizational activity that requires the entry, editing, routing, and approval of information. Because the system maintains complete audit trails for E-Forms, they can be tracked from inception to disposition, and authenticated at every step of the process.

E-Forms are completely configurable, so your system can include whatever forms are desired to support your activities. Your system administrator determines who can use which forms, so the forms available to you may differ from those available to others.

To create a new form in the Unity Client:

  1. In the Create group, click Forms. The Forms panel is displayed.
  2. If you want to narrow the forms displayed for selection, in the Find field, enter text that is contained in the name of the form you want to create.
  3. You can sort forms by the Document Type Group they are associated with or not sort them and list them alphabetically by clicking the Group by Document Type Group button to toggle the display.
  4. Click on the E-Form you want to create. The form is displayed in the right pane. The form that is displayed is highlighted.
  5. Enter the data into the E-Form and submit the E-Form. A message asking Would you like to create a new form? is displayed. Click Yes to create another form of the same type or click No if you are finished creating forms.