The following limitations apply when entering data into and submitting E-Forms:
If the Document Type for the E-Form has Default Keyword Values configured for any Keyword Types, those values are filled automatically upon form creation.
If you select another form while you are entering information into a form, a message is displayed stating You have not submitted the form. Would you like to return and submit the form before continuing? Click Yes to return to the form and finish completing it. Click No to discard the form and open the newly selected form.
When you create a new E-Form in a revisable Document Type a new E-Form is created, regardless of whether or not Keyword values of the new E-Form match the Keyword values of an existing E-Form.
When using a date/time formatted Keyword Type, the time will default to 12:00:00am.
If your E-Form is configured to use an AutoFill Keyword Set to automatically populate Keyword Values, only one instance of the AutoFill Keyword Set can be associated with the E-Form.
When filling out an E-Form, if the connection is lost to the Application Server, the E-Form cannot be saved. Close the E-Form and reopen the form, and it will be able to be saved.