E-Forms can be used to capture non-keyword data. An example of non-keyword data is a college applicant's test scores. While non-keyword data is important to the overall E-Form, it is not important enough to the business process to be captured as Keyword Values.
When capturing non-keyword data with the Enterprise Integration Server, the following format must be followed for E-Form fields:
OBNONKey__REPEATED__<group name>__<field name>_<sequence #>
Format |
Description |
Every non-keyword field that is mapped must start with the Document Management System code OBNONKey__REPEATED__. Note:
OBNONKey and REPEATED are each followed by two underscore characters (__). |
<group name> |
The name of the group of non-keyword data followed by two underscores. For example, Tests__. Note:
If a group name is not included, the field will be treated as ungrouped. |
<field name> |
The name of the E-Form field, followed by an underscore. For example, TestName_. Tip:
It is considered a best practice to give descriptive and unique names to the non-keyword fields on the E-Form. This assists with mapping of the E-Form fields. |
<sequence #> |
The number of occurrences of the field on the form. For example, the first use of the TestName field would be mapped as TestName_1, the second occurrence would be mapped as TestName_2, etc. E-Form fields must appear in continuous ascending sequence, beginning with 1. Correct Use: The following is correct use of this format: <INPUT name="OBNONKey__REPEATED__TestName_1"> <INPUT name="OBNONKey__REPEATED__TestName_2"> Incorrect Use: The following is an incorrect use of this format because the sequence appears in the wrong order: <INPUT name="OBNONKey__REPEATED__TestName_2"> <INPUT name="OBNONKey__REPEATED__TestName_1"> The following is an incorrect use of this format because the sequence is not continuous: <INPUT name="OBNONKey__REPEATED__TestName_1"> <INPUT name="OBNONKey__REPEATED__TestName_4"> The following is an incorrect use of this format because the sequence did not begin with 1: <INPUT name="OBNONKey__REPEATED__TestName_2"> <INPUT name="OBNONKey__REPEATED__TestName_3"> |
See Example for an example of the type of non-keyword data that can be captured in an E-Form using the Enterprise Integration Server.