Required fields on the custom HTML form:
After submitting a new E-Form, the user is prompted to create another new E-Form. Upon choosing OK, the user is redirected to the same custom HTML form. For this redirection to work, the value property on the OBWeb_Redirect hidden input field must be set to the URL of the custom HTML form.
For example:
<INPUT type="hidden" name="OBWeb_Redirect" value="http://servername/appnet/file.htm">
The path to OBWeb_Redirect must be provided in the following format: value="http://[server name]/[virtual directory]/[file.htm]".
If the user chooses Cancel when prompted to create a new form, then a different target URL must be provided. The OBWeb_FinalTargetPage hidden input field is available for this purpose. This field defines the page to which the user is directed, and it takes the same form as the OBWeb_Redirect input field. The user is directed to this location under the following conditions:
The Hyland.Web.LoginFormProc prompt setting is set to disable in the Web Server's Web.config.
The Hyland.Web.LoginFormProc prompt setting is set to enable in the Web Server's Web.config, and the user selects Cancel when prompted to create a new form.
When OBWeb_ReturnReadOnlyCopy is set to true, the redirection settings are overridden. After submitting a form, the user will not be prompted to create a new form.