The following applies to E-Forms, Virtual E-Forms, HTML Documents, HTML Custom Queries, and Workflow User Forms.
When using HTML-based forms and documents, you can configure them to be portable between OnBase systems.
You can use the Application Server delimiter to create forms that will dynamically update the Application Server path to the Application Server defined in the Configuration module (Utils | Application Server).
To use this feature, place the following within the beginning and ending <HTML> tags of an HTML form or document:
When this delimiter is placed in the HTML, the form will pull the Application Server URL as specified in OnBase Configuration and replace all instances of ~[APPLICATION_SERVER_URL]~ with the URL. The "service.asmx" portion of the Application Server URL specified in the configuration is stripped from the value.
For example: If the Application Server URL is specified in Configuration as "http://server/AppServer/service.asmx," the delimiter will replace all instances of ~[APPLICATION_SERVER_URL]~ with "http://server/AppServer."
In some instances it may be helpful to have only the base server URL in the HTML document instead of the entire server path. In these instances, the delimiter ~[APPLICATION_SERVER_BASE_URL]~ can be used to return "http://server" instead of "http://server/AppServer."