Associating XML Style Sheets at the Document Type Level - E-Forms - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 24.1

You can associate multiple style sheets with a single Document Type, providing the you with the ability to select the style sheet they want to use when viewing, printing or e-mailing the document.

To associate a style sheet with a Document Type:

  1. From the OnBase Configuration module, click Document | Document Types. The Document Types dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the Document Type you would like to configure the style sheet for from the Document Type list and click XML Style Sheet.
    The XML Style Sheet Settings dialog box is displayed.

    The XML Style Sheet Settings dialog box will include fields for Keyword configuration if you selected Keyword-Based XML in Document Type Settings. If this option was selected, the style sheet used when viewing, printing and e-mailing documents is based on the document's Keyword Values. See Associating XML Style Sheets by Keyword Value for more information on how to configure these style sheets.

    A Document Type that is associated with XML documents should have at least one style sheet configured for it. Each style sheet has the ability to associate two .XSL files with it:
    • One used when viewing documents.

    • One used when printing documents.


    Depending on your configuration, you may have the option to select an alternate style sheet from an open document.

  3. In the Revision list, select the Document Type's revision number that is to be associated with this style sheet. If revisions are not configured for the Document Type, select 1.

    OnBase allows you to assign different style sheets to different revisions of the document to account for changes in the appearance of the document, such as if a style sheet is modified or updated.

    If a user attempts to view a revision of the Document Type that has not been assigned a style sheet, OnBase uses the style sheet assigned to latest previous revision that was assigned a style sheet.
    For example, if you are viewing the 5th revision of a document, but this revision has not been assigned a style sheet, OnBase will check the 4th revision for a style sheet to use. If the 4th revision is not assigned a style sheet, OnBase will check the 3rd revision, etc. until it finds a revision with an assigned style sheet. If no style sheet is associated with any revision of the Document Type, the raw XML data is displayed.
  4. Enter the name of the new style sheet in the New Style Sheet data entry field.
  5. Click Create. The XML Style Sheet URL dialog box is displayed.
  6. In the View Style Sheet field, browse to or enter the full path to the .XSL file that is to be associated with the document when it is viewed. This path must be a UNC or URL to which the user has access from the workstation the document is being viewed from.
  7. In the Print Style Sheet field, browse to or enter the full path of the .XSL file that is to be associated with the document when it is printed. This path must be a UNC or URL to which the user has access from the workstation the document is being viewed from.
  8. Click Save. The XML Style Sheet Settings dialog box is closed.
    The style sheet is added to the XML Style Sheet list in the XML Style Sheet Settings dialog box.
    To disassociate a style sheet with a Document Type, select it in the XML Style Sheet list and click Delete.
  9. Repeat Steps 3-8 for each style sheet you want to create.

    The first style sheet in the XML Style Sheet list is the default style sheet.

  10. When you are finished configuring style sheets, click Close.