The Options tab contains options that specifically affect the documents that are imported as part of the batch.
The following options are displayed on the Options tab:
Options Tab Options |
Description |
Run Process |
This check box is used to enable the process to store the documents identified from the import file in OnBase. It is selected by default. The Run Process check box must be selected in order for the process to actually import documents into OnBase. The ability to deselect this option is provided to allow you to test formats without saving documents to OnBase. If the Run Process check box is not selected, the EDI 810 process does not import documents into OnBase. The Download and Preprocess functions are performed regardless of whether the Run Process check box is selected. If the processor encounters an error within the import file, the import file is moved from its current folder to the ERROR_FILES sub-folder. Note:
If an error occurs, the import file is moved to the ERROR_FILES folder even if it is marked as read-only. |
Add Documents to Workflow |
To use this option you must be properly licensed for Workflow. Note:
Documents can only be added to Unity Life Cycles from the Core-based OnBase Client interface. The processed documents are placed into any Workflow Life Cycle associated with the Document Type that the documents belong to. Once the Add Documents to Workflow option is selected, you can:
When using the Core-based OnBase Client interface, it is recommended that you always select On Commit. CAUTION:
When using the Core-based OnBase Client interface, it is required that you select On Commit if your Workflow Life Cycle is configured to perform any System Work. |
Use Disk Group from Document Type |
Select this option to store documents in the batch in the default Disk Group associated with their Document Type instead of the Disk Group associated with the process format. If this option is selected, both the Disk Group assigned to the process format and the Disk Group assigned to the Document Type(s) are checked to ensure they have sufficient disk space available before the documents are placed. If there is not enough available space in the Disk Group, the batch is routed to the Incomplete Process queue, an error message is displayed and the import file is sent to the Error_Files directory. If <none> is selected in the Disk Group drop-down menu when this option is selected, a check for space will not be performed on a Disk Group. |
Auto-Folder Documents |
Provides the ability to Auto-Folder documents upon import. Note:
Selecting this check box sets the default behavior for Auto-Foldering documents upon import. However, if a user has the ability to initiate processing from within the OnBase Client, s/he has the ability to de-select this feature when initiating the process by deselecting the Create Auto Folder option. Tip:
Ensure you have Auto-Foldering properly configured before selecting the Auto-Folder Documents upon Processing check box. |
Accumulate Processing Information |
Provides the ability to combine several Verification Reports into a single, cumulative daily report. After process is run, OnBase produces and displays a Verification Report for the process. If your solution uses several different processors or process formats, you can combine each of these Verification Reports into a single, daily report for ease of viewing by selecting the Accumulate Processing Information check box. The Verification Report is stored as a text document in the System Documents Document Type Group, SYS Verification Reports Document Type. |