Download and Process - EDI 810 Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

EDI 810 Processor

EDI 810 Processor
Foundation 24.1

The two options in this section, Default Directory and Default File Name, point the process format to the import file containing the data to be processed.

Download and Process Options


Default Directory

Enter the file path to the folder where the import file is located.


The maximum length of the file path is 60 characters.

Click Browse and navigate to the folder containing the import file or enter the file path to the folder that contains the import file into the Default Directory field.


The ability to access the data files and place them into the configured Disk Group affects the speed of the process. The process runs faster if the data files are stored locally on the processing workstation.

If you are connecting to an FTP server, see Connecting to an FTP Server for more information on what must be entered into the Default Directory field.

Default File Name

Enter the name of the import file or use the Browse button to navigate to it. When the Browse button is used, the Default Directory and Default File Name fields are both populated when a file is selected.


The maximum length of the Default File Name value is 60 characters.

The ? and * wildcards can be used to specify multiple files. For example, *.* processes all files in the folder specified in the Default Directory field.

When connecting to an FTP server, enter the server name to which you are connecting. For example, ftp:\\[ftpserver], where ftpserver is replaced with the name of the FTP server or IP address.

If the Store Import File option is selected at the time of processing, a copy of the import file is stored in the System Documents Document Type Group, using the SYS EDI Import Files Document Type.