Common Questions - EDI 810 Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

EDI 810 Processor

EDI 810 Processor
Foundation 24.1

Can you zoom in on files imported via EDI 810?

Users who view documents imported via EDI 810 in the OnBase Client cannot zoom in/out on the documents. Zooming in/out is supported only for image documents in the OnBase Client.

Documents imported via EDI 810 are converted to images when viewed in the OnBase Web Client so users are able to zoom in/out on them.

The EDI 810 option is not available as right-click option in OnBase Client. How can I get it?

Verify the workstation is registered for EDI 810.

If EDI 810 is not available, it is most likely not licensed at all in the database or another workstation is taking up the license. Simply browse through the licenses in Configuration (Utils | Product Licenses) to see if there are any workstations licensed/registered. Then in Client, select Admin | User Management | Workstation Registration from the menu bar. Select the workstation and then register that workstation for EDI 810.

There is an error copying to the temp path when processing EDI 810; what should I do?

Rename or delete the parsing.ctx and ver_tmp file and process again.

Why can't I create two EDI 810 processes using the same Document Type?

I am trying to create a new EDI 810 process using a Document Type that exists in another EDI 810 process. Why does the new process inherit the settings of the old process?

This is by design. In OnBase, a Document Type cannot be a part of two separate EDI 810 processes.