Configuring Schedule Logging - EDI 810 Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

EDI 810 Processor

EDI 810 Processor
Foundation 24.1

Schedule logging is controlled at the workstation group level. Each workstation used to perform scheduled processing can only be a member of a single workstation group, and the settings defined for a workstation group are applied to all workstations within that group. Scheduler logging is configured from the Scheduler Logging Configuration dialog box, available from the OnBase Client under Processing | Scheduler | Logging Configuration.


This dialog box is only available for selection if your user account has been assigned the required product right. See the User Group Configuration for Product Rights section of the System Administration documentation for information on product rights.

Select the Enable Scheduler Logging option to perform scheduler logging for all scheduler workstation group that have enabled the Enable Logging for Group option. If this option is not selected, no scheduler logging is performed for any scheduler workstation group.

By default, there is a single group named 30 Day Retention. Other groups can be created as needed, depending on the logging requirements of different types of processing workstations. See the following topics for more information on creating, editing, and deleting scheduler workstation groups:

The Auto-Add New Scheduler Workstations to Group setting controls whether or not new scheduler workstations will automatically add themselves to a scheduler workstation group. Select a scheduler workstation group from the drop-down list to automatically add new processing workstation to that group, or select <none> to disable automatic addition. By default, this is set to the 30 Day Retention group.