Regular Committing of Batches - EDI 810 Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

EDI 810 Processor

EDI 810 Processor
Foundation 24.1

While documents are in the Awaiting Commit queue, they only exist in the first mass storage copy of the Disk Group. If the mass storage copy is stored on a drive that fails and a backup is not available, the documents are lost. Also, every OnBase solution has a limit to the number of batches that can exist in the Awaiting Commit queue. Once this limit is met, no new processing is allowed. This limit is set during installation.

When documents are committed, their status is changed to Committed in the OnBase database and they are copied to any secondary mass storage and removable copies of the Disk Group.


It is considered a best practice to commit documents during non-peak hours to avoid a bottleneck when accessing the OnBase database.

After a batch is committed, it is displayed in the Committed queue. This queue contains all of the EDI 810 batches processed and committed in OnBase. It will never reach a limit; it simply displays the status of the batches.

Once the batch has been committed, the batch cannot be purged. In order to delete the documents in the batch, double-click the batch to open it, select the desired documents, right-click and select Delete Selected.

When viewing a batch in the Committed queue, the following right-click options are available:

  • View Verification Report- Displays the Verification Report for the batch.

  • View Unidentified Items- Displays a results list with all unidentified documents in the batch.

  • Print Selected- Prints the documents in the selected batches.

  • Export Selected- Exports the documents in the highlighted batches.


    This option is only available if OnBase is licensed for an export and publishing module. For more information, see the Export & Publishing module reference guide.

  • Create List Report. Generates a SYS List Contents Report that displays the names of the documents (in other words, the autoname strings) that reside in the selected batches.

  • Create Keyword List. Allows a user to export a file listing Keyword Values. To create a Keyword List, select the Keyword Types associated with the values you would like to export in the Available list and click Add. The Keyword Types are added to the Selected list on the right. Select Browse to designate the output file, then click OK.


    The Create Keyword List option is useful for creating a text file that can be imported into another system for verification or updating another application.

  • Run Script. Displays a list of all the custom-created VBScripts that the user has access to. This option will run the selected VBScript against the selected documents.

  • Extract Index Information. Extracts information based on the configuration of the index extraction format. This format is created and defined in the OnBase Configuration module.

  • Re-Date Batch. Allows you to modify the Document Dates for items in the batch. Since most document auto-name strings contain the Document Date, this option will rename the documents as well. Depending on the number of documents in the batch, this may take some time.

  • Clear Selected. Removes the focus from the currently-selected batch.

  • Select Batch Range. Allows users to select a range of batches to view in the queue. This is useful because the Committed queue will contain all of the committed EDI 810 batches.

  • Refresh. Updates the contents of the queue. Selecting this option displays any new items that have been added to the queue and removes any items that have been moved out of the queue.